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Battlestar Season 4.5


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The Opening/Closing Credits for new BSG done in the style of the Original.





Letterman's Top Ten Reasons to watch BSG: (kinda cheesy, but fun to see them all there)




And for the Finale I thought it would fun to have a

BSG Finale Drinking Game:


What say you all? Any rules to add?



Open bottle of Ambrosia or your favourite booze. (Scothitty Scotch Scotch Scotch, I like Scotch...)


Print “rules” and post next to TV, to reference, as show(and drinking) progresses...


Someone says “Frak”: take a drink.

Saul says “Frak”: Take two drinks.


Saul or Adama Drinks: Take a drink. (and contemplate the benefits of AA)

Bonus: Adama or Roslin smoke another doobie: do the same (none for me thanks, but if that's how you roll, roll one up...)


Adama says “So Say We All”: Take a drink. (Per time)


Boomer Betrays Someone: Take a drink.

Everytime An 8 or a 6 is hot: Take a drink

Everytime Cavil is creepy: take a drink

Baltar acts like a d0uche: take a drink.

Baltar does something redeeming: take two drinks

Ellen acts slutty or bitchy: take a drink.


One Copy of “Daniel” is found still alive: take a drink

Daniel is someone we've known all along: take a drink

Daniel is Starbucks Father: Take two drinks

Daniel is Starbuck: Take three drinks


Someone Speaks All Along the Watchtower Lyrics: Take a Drink

BSG version of “Watchtower" is heard: Take a Drink and think “What the Frak, Ron Moore, How is Dylan in space?”

Dylan’s Original Version of Watchtower is heard: Take three drinks and say “Seriously, What the Frak, Ron Moore?”


Roslin dies: Take a Drink and wipe tear. (Remember “I AM COMING FOR ALL OF YOU” fierceness.)

Series Regular Dies: Take Two Drinks blow nose and hug person next to you


For every cast member that turns out to also be a Cylon, other than the 5 we know already: take a drink

The Galactica Blows Up: Down full drink. And weep like baby.

For every unanswered question left after finale ends: take a drink

If BSG ends with any of the cast on “our earth" in NYC in modern times: throw drink at television and let out a vicious stream of “Fraks” and “Felgercarbs”

If Starbuck and Apollo finally end up together: kiss person next to you. (or depending how drunk you are at this point go home with them)


BSG we will miss you. So say we all.

(at least we still have “The Plan” coming in the fall ,to let us down a little easier, and we can pray to “the Gods”, or is that the “One True God”, that the “Caprica” series isn’t a complete piece of Felgercarb.)

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there should be plenty of pew pew lasers n' shit in the last episodes for all you action hungry nerds. i quite enjoyed these past episodes and they have clearly been a setup for the last couple of hours. these setup episodes will work much better if watched back to back instead of waiting a week between them. i am thinking everyone except hera, gaius (i liked how his fathers name was julius) and number six will die in the end.

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anyone wanna go with me to the UN on tuesday for the BSG panel with ron moore, eddie olmos, pres roslin, and eick


damn I'm kind of a geek



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i didn't realize this week was the setup for the final episode. rescuing the kid, really? that's the final buildup from the last 6 years? i wanted some grand climax that will make the entire human/cylon time loop pay off. oh well, there is still another DVD movie, and then Caprica, if that goes anywhere.

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Guest analogue wings

wow i'm so pumped for the final 2 hours.


oh wait i'm not.


hey, they're doing flashbacks to the characters' lives "before" to flesh out their backstories and motivations. NEVER SEEN THAT IN A PRIME TIME SCIENCE FICTION SHOW BEFORE



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Guest catsonearth
i didn't realize this week was the setup for the final episode. rescuing the kid, really? that's the final buildup from the last 6 years? i wanted some grand climax that will make the entire human/cylon time loop pay off.


i don't think that's the grand climax of the show, just the plot device that leads us to the grand climax. i'm thinking the black hole may have something to do with bringing us to the real climax...maybe.


haha yeah, it gets worse when you think how pointless those flashbacks were. balthar having a dad and lee fighting a pidgeon. wth?


obviously we have different tastes, but i wouldn't say they were pointless. they didn't move the plot forward, but that wasn't really why they were there. we've gone this whole time learning about who these characters were, what made them tick, why they made the choices they made and right at the end when we think we've got them pegged we get to fill in something we never knew about them. we get to see what they lost, what they've been trying to hold onto or forget, how they've changed. personally, i think that's important to the conclusion of the story since from the start the show has mostly been about the people. it's easy to forget with everything that's happened since the beginning that these characters had lives before we met them, so it's nice to be reminded of that before their stories come to an end.

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i'm thinking if they're gonna jump Galactica right next to that singularity where the Cylon colony is, and it's about to fall apart anyway, why not just crash it into the bad guys and live unhappily ever after.

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i didn't realize this week was the setup for the final episode. rescuing the kid, really? that's the final buildup from the last 6 years? i wanted some grand climax that will make the entire human/cylon time loop pay off.


i don't think that's the grand climax of the show, just the plot device that leads us to the grand climax. i'm thinking the black hole may have something to do with bringing us to the real climax...maybe.


haha yeah, it gets worse when you think how pointless those flashbacks were. balthar having a dad and lee fighting a pidgeon. wth?


obviously we have different tastes, but i wouldn't say they were pointless. they didn't move the plot forward, but that wasn't really why they were there. we've gone this whole time learning about who these characters were, what made them tick, why they made the choices they made and right at the end when we think we've got them pegged we get to fill in something we never knew about them. we get to see what they lost, what they've been trying to hold onto or forget, how they've changed. personally, i think that's important to the conclusion of the story since from the start the show has mostly been about the people. it's easy to forget with everything that's happened since the beginning that these characters had lives before we met them, so it's nice to be reminded of that before their stories come to an end.



i don't need to be reminded of anything, im not stupid. I don't care much if the flashbacks don't move the plot forward, but at least bring in something new, or at least make a compelling scene out of them, lee fighting a pidgeon ffs.

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it's stupid to be "haha wtf were those flashbacks about" when there are still 2 parts left of the story arc. i think they were a good way to humanize these characters who have become sort of mythical characters during the show. after all BSG has always been about the characters and how they'd cope with the extreme stress and despair they were faced with, it was just placed in a sci-fi environment.

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Guest zaphod

so i'm guessing the naked singularity (this isn't a black hole btw, the two are not the same thing) will somehow suck everyone in as they're fighting and "everything that happened will happen again", or whatever. so basically anyone who dies in the finale won't have actually died and all the weight to the show's climax will get sucked out in some kind of lame time/dimensional loop device. or maybe not


anyway this show is kind of embarrassing, now, if it wasn't before. the miniseries and the first season plus some of the eps in seasons two and three were extremely strong, but this is all plot mechanics and character archetypes. also the guy who plays tigh might be the worst actor ever.

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Guest analogue wings

hey guys, it's ok to criticise a show and still like it. if you defend absolutely everything about it, you are what's called an "Apologist"


i have a horrible feeling that the only way shit can get explained now is by Cavill having worked everything out and explaining it for everyone else in a Bond villain gloating monologue...

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Guest catsonearth
i don't need to be reminded of anything, im not stupid.


says the man who has never spelled baltar's name correctly once in all the years he's been watching this show.


I don't care much if the flashbacks don't move the plot forward, but at least bring in something new, or at least make a compelling scene out of them, lee fighting a pidgeon ffs.


do i really need to point out that 1. this is obviously a metaphor and 2. this episode is 3-hours long and was cut off 1/3 of the way through by the network, so there are parts that haven't been resolved yet? they cut back to roslin and baltar's stories several times, so maybe they just haven't cut back to the end of some of these flashbacks yet. it's basically like watching 20 minutes of an episode and then bitching that half of the scenes were pointless. we just haven't seen them resolved yet, so we don't really know the point. this wasn't written or filmed like a 2-parter, it was done as a 3-hour finale, but split artificially by the network because they wanted to milk it for another week.


i think the flashbacks brought something new. we certainly didn't know about any of that stuff before now. all we knew about roslin before the mini was that she had cancer and was a teacher. all we knew about baltar was that he was a womanizing genius. they weren't just flashbacks to things we'd already seen, they did bring something new. whether you think those things are important or not is your own opinion, but just because you don't see the meaning doesn't mean there isn't one to be seen.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign
I don't care much if the flashbacks don't move the plot forward, but at least bring in something new, or at least make a compelling scene out of them, lee fighting a pidgeon ffs.


do i really need to point out that 1. this is obviously a metaphor


in the next episode we see lee opening all the doors and windows in the hope it'll fly out by itself. scene after that: lee sees the pigeon helping itself to his cereal. lee looks increasingly concerned. scene after that: lee rolls up a newspaper and tries to frighten the bird out of the appartment. scene after that: the bird finally flies away of its own accord after finishing off the last of the milk, but knocks over the toaster that falls on lee's foot.


the pidgeon represents lee's constant difficulty coping with events, the cereal and milk represent the ever diminishing resources lee has to put to use, and the toaster represents the forthcoming cylon attack.

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anyway this show is kind of embarrassing, now, if it wasn't before


I should go back and find where I predicted precisely this, not that you in particular disagreed with me, but I just knew the show would end up being cringe-inducing.

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Guest zaphod
anyway this show is kind of embarrassing, now, if it wasn't before


I should go back and find where I predicted precisely this, not that you in particular disagreed with me, but I just knew the show would end up being cringe-inducing.


it's weird, i went from hating this show to liking it and now back to hating it. but the early seasons, maybe the first plus the first half of the second, were very good. it's like a completely different show now. you can really see where the writer's strike had a serious effect on the show's quality, plus i just think ron moore never "had a plan" to begin with. but this does happen to all tv shows. i can't think of one that survived every season unscathed. even the wire got bad in its final run.

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plus i just think ron moore never "had a plan" to begin with.


agreed, I got this impression very early on (I only made it through season 2.5)



even the wire got bad in its final run.


I finally finished the wire and was expecting much worse based on the comments here. I thought it ended fairly well, all things considered. I did think some of the characters acted out of character, particularly Lester (didn't believe he would side with McNulty so easily) and Kima (didn't think she would be so quick to be righteous and blow the whistle, also why was she missing from the final montage? A weird oversight). I was a bit disappointed with the over the top elements of Omar's return. But I thought most of the different threads tied up satisfactorily.


Strangely, one of the things that made the biggest impression on me were the mundane but profound political machinations. I find myself thinking of the Wire a lot, whenever someone gushes about Obama, or puts too much stock in bizarre conspiracy theories without understanding the day-to-day realities of power-brokering.

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