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lost season 5


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do any fans of this show admit to themselves that its possible they are writing it in real time without a pre-specified wrapup or ending?


it seems a lot of people enjoy the show solely for the buildup to what they are going to reveal later, but maybe im mistaken.

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it's been common knowledge for a while that they started with a rough five or six season story arc. i imagine it as being sketched on the back of a napkin.


they have kinda improvised along the way alright, eg ben was only originally cast for three episodes. and now he's one of the best things about the damn thing. he's the only character i'm always rooting for.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

it was an ok episode. as good as a jack and kate episode could be really.


i thought sawyers 'i take it back' was funny. you need a sense of humour as a lost fan. plus strong vomit stopping muscles for when kates says things like 'i've always been with you *weird stare*'....


i watched this episode via torrent, on tv my opinion would be worse


young rosseau looked nothing like rosseau. couldn't they find someone a little similar. or just use the actress that played alex?

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i thought this episode was really poor, especially compared to the previous one.


it's come to a point where i can predict like half the stuff the characters say and what "twist" will happen. and i'm sure i'm not the only one.


i still like the show though, it's just not what it used to be.

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it's been common knowledge for a while that they started with a rough five or six season story arc. i imagine it as being sketched on the back of a napkin.


well that's exactly the dilemma im having, from the little ive watched the show it appears to be written episode to episode with no end story actually in concrete. To believe the writers had a five or six season arc is to have an awful lot of faith/trust in the shows creators imo.

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About the Adam and Eve thing...

Jack actually takes the two stones (the black and white ones) and doesn't tell anything about it. My guess is that at one point (nearing the end of the show) they'll travel back in time (40-50 years or so) and just as two characters are about to die (this might be Jack himself and Kate) Jack finds the two stones in his pocket and hands them to the dying couple because he realises that this is their destiny or something... Now that they're time travelling anything is possible.

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it's been common knowledge for a while that they started with a rough five or six season story arc. i imagine it as being sketched on the back of a napkin.


well that's exactly the dilemma im having, from the little ive watched the show it appears to be written episode to episode with no end story actually in concrete. To believe the writers had a five or six season arc is to have an awful lot of faith/trust in the shows creators imo.


they have definitely been winging it for the most part. they might have had a vague idea where they wanted to go, but how they are going to do it likely got fleshed out after they got a set end date for the show, sometime during the last season (?).

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edit: wish they had been given a set number of episodes early on. we might have been spared from a lot of crap filler and gotten a less convoluted mythology.


ps.fuck this timed edit bullshit. i want the unlimited edit and delted back, damnit. that was the only EKT+ feature i used.

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it's been common knowledge for a while that they started with a rough five or six season story arc. i imagine it as being sketched on the back of a napkin.


well that's exactly the dilemma im having, from the little ive watched the show it appears to be written episode to episode with no end story actually in concrete. To believe the writers had a five or six season arc is to have an awful lot of faith/trust in the shows creators imo.


they have definitely been winging it for the most part. they might have had a vague idea where they wanted to go


It's funny knowing that the roar coming from the Smoke Monster in the very first episode was actually only meant as a mysterious roar to screw with audience around. Back when they made the pilot they never planned on using it for anything.

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Philip Glass and I must be the only users who understood what Rousseau's team was saying. Even Lostpedia did not translate. :angry:

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Philip Glass and I must be the only users who understood what Rousseau's team was saying. Even Lostpedia did not translate. :angry:


Something about them following "the numbers". Wasn't that the only interesting thing they said?

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Philip Glass and I must be the only users who understood what Rousseau's team was saying. Even Lostpedia did not translate. :angry:




Somebody updated the article after reading my statement. :fee:

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Guest Funktion

or was it really you who updated that article from the future but after seeing this thread had to prove you wrong by getting unstuck in time in order to save your life?


find out next week

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Guest awkwardsilence

Yeah, well, anyway. I don't speak french, but when I saw the "besixdouze" canister on the beach, and then heard the name Montand, I knew who they were. Reading the translation, it's all just the bits we already got from Rousseau back in Season 1. Following the numbers transmission, instruments malfunctioned, shipwreck, omg where are we?


Apparently, the word is that this week's episode is
all about Rousseau's science expedition (and Jin).
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This episode was solid, first one I have really liked in a while. It's starting to get a lot of the Twin Peaks-esque elements back that made me love the show in the first place.

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interesting episode.

Of course the obvious question is what will happen when only 2 of them go back. Will Jacob hulk out and wreck shit? And of course, what will Jin do? I think that locke will be alive again (after all, the van Ben is driving does say "reincarnation" on the side of it) and then does Jin flip out? What about their baby? (also, charlotte's Korean is painful on the ears)

What's the relationship between ms.hawking and widmore? Or indeed between Faraday and Widmore?

Really can't wait to see where they go next...


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They're showing season 3 on a Danish channel and I just watched an episode before watching the newest one and thank the writers for killing Charlie. He must have been one of the most annoying characters on television ever.









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