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you guys told me "Arrested Development" was awesome


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"I seen Pineapple Express in a double-feature wrap with Joe Dirt at the Wal-Mart."


^Reason I will spend no more than a dollar to watch it, if I ever decide to.


My wife keeps telling me I would like Arrested Development.  But I've never been impressed by Jason Bateman or the kid that got Juno preggers.



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Guest assegai
"I seen Pineapple Express in a double-feature wrap with Joe Dirt at the Wal-Mart."


^Reason I will spend no more than a dollar to watch it, if I ever decide to.


My wife keeps telling me I would like Arrested Development. But I've never been impressed by Jason Bateman or the kid that got Juno preggers.


Bateman isn't the comedy relief, he's there to hold everything together.

The kid from Juno is awkward funny, not emo/indy funny in that abysmal catastrophe known as "Juno".

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Bateman isn't the comedy relief, he's there to hold everything together.


Oh, is it his Hancock character again?  I hated that character.

bateman is one of the best on the show, his timing is impeccable.


"Still good"

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Guest Laughable Butane Bob
sitcoms suck in general. arrested development doesn't have a laugh track, though, so that's worth a couple points.
This really is one of the best things about it. It lets you be surprised by all the jokes/gags since there isn't the obvious "audience response."
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Guest Franklin
watmm... what the fuck?


i just watched the first 5 episodes... is there something wrong with me? or this maybe even isn't supposed to be funny? i got TWO lols in those 5 episodes. TWO. and don't ask me what they were, cause i forgot.


watmm, please explain.




the writing in AD is not only hilarious, it's smart as well. Kokoon, i would give it some more time to get to know the characters then go back and rewatch it from the start once you're realizing how funny everything is. almost everything is perfect from camarawork to lines to delivery to props to character development.



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it shouldnt take any time to get into, if you dont immediately find arrested development funny you are a fucking humorless faggot and should probably go ahead and kill yourself.


just saying.

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Guest bitroast

yeah, 5 episodes seems like enough to know whether or not you like it. the show became an instant classic for me, easily among the funniest tv shows made.

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