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avril 14th type music


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Intro theme to "Little House on the Prairie"

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Seriously. The instrumentation is wildly different but it has undeniable Avril flavor.



lol is this a joke?

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John Cages' early prepared piano works

Can you recommend anything in particular? I've wanted to check out John Cage for a while but dont know where to start

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Guest Coalbucket PI
John Cages' early prepared piano works

Can you recommend anything in particular? I've wanted to check out John Cage for a while but dont know where to start

Early Piano Music



Sonatas & Interludes For Prepared Piano (1946-1948)



both of those are good

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the sonatas and interludes are good but they don't sound anything like avril 14th, which actually doesn't really sound like any serious classical composer bar satie.


But morton feldman is worth a listen if you like that sort of thing, "triadic memories" for piano is about as close as you'll find. And by the way his works are all really really really long.

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Guest moo duck
the sonatas and interludes are good but they don't sound anything like avril 14th, which actually doesn't really sound like any serious classical composer bar satie.


But morton feldman is worth a listen if you like that sort of thing, "triadic memories" for piano is about as close as you'll find. And by the way his works are all really really really long.

thta's right, Satie was anti-composer, although he studied polyphonies and stuff, he hated the very idea of serious, true music. therefore many of his works contain borrowed elements from composers he completely hated. his music was a piss, an absurd, and it was Cage who thought of Satie as big-head dadaist. and Feldman was a friend of Cage


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look for mathew broderick on boomkat and download his albums, he's on the same branch

music is too emotional for me but he has the same ''clean chocolaty piano style''

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