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Couples that work together


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Guest MajaIloveyou
Husband comes in, starts getting in my face, words are exchanged, we threaten each other



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Guest Calx Sherbet
Husband comes in, starts getting in my face, words are exchanged, we threaten each other




tell him to stfu and make YOU a sandwich

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Husband comes in, starts getting in my face, words are exchanged, we threaten each other




tell him to stfu and make YOU a sandwich



one day you guys will grow up and learn that sometimes grownups yell to help relieve stress and solve their problems. you can't always pull a Dylan Klebold at your middle school because someone doesn't like Mechanical Animals.


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oh damn. where i work, the boyfriend is a 37 years old kid, who happens to be the boss and also the owner of the third of company's share. his girlfriend is an ex-radio-show narrator, now in charge for promotions. the first thing he did when his girlfriend came to work was to fire someone at her present position. so when she tok over it was like she didn't really know what she was supposed to do, or how certain things are organised. so you can imagine quite a lot of stress; they were fighting all the time in front of everybody. the boss would come to me about a project to talk about it, then she came along, and they started to squabble about such minor things that it really started to annoy me. you can imagine how it is like when you talk to your boss about a serious matter, and then suddenly that matter is not anymore important, and things like "why are you so ignorant and destructive to everything i say, dear?" WTF? they're like this grunting old couple, who attract attention by looking good and resolving personal problems in front of everyone. i don't know, isn't this just fucking weird?

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maan, if someone poked me in the chest like that, i'd take that finger and snap it clean off. right fucking off. and then i'd set fire to it. then i would piss on it to put out the fire. then i would hand it back to them. all burnt and stinking of my alcoholic piss.

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Yeah, thats a bit like living with a couple too. Best avoided really, but if the guy isn't your boss just tell him to keep his girlfriend under control and out of your way. If he's your boss, get a new job.

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i have never worked with anyone i was in a relationship with, but i have fucked people at work.

also, getting into a fight at work is one of the most retarded things you can possibly do (assuming you enjoy working and making money) that shit will follow you forever, like, after you get canned for fighting at work it will probably be hard to get another job when your next employer calls for a reference and finds out you are a crazy fucker that can't control himself and act professionally in the workplace. if i were you i would have just laughed at the guy and walked away.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms
But not before you flex your biceps, don an intimidating scowl, and say something like "If you want tickets to the gun show, I'll be happy to give you a pair."


and then give each bicep a delicate kiss.

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But not before you flex your biceps, don an intimidating scowl, and say something like "If you want tickets to the gun show, I'll be happy to give you a pair."


say "this one's registered with the government, and i'm scared of the other one myself"

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Guest abusivegeorge

I worked with my gf for over a year, we fucked in the toilet EVERY lunchtime and weren't caught once, this meant that we never argued in the workplace.

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Guest Tony Danza

I've known a few married couples who work together at the hospital. They wake up together. They go to work together. They go home together.


I've observed that they become open-mouthed bodies who walk around, seemingly with no soul. They rarely speak to each other because there's just nothing left to say. They know each other's experiences because they spend all day with each other.


I think it's weird.

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