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sketchy as fuck spider in my bathroom

Guest idrn

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didn't know whether to go with the nominative or objective there. either way, a sketchy fucking spider.

probably dysdera crocata. which sounds cooler than 'woodlouse spider'.

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i'd totally mutant into spiderman, except my only ability is to gain sustenance from woodlice and have a bulbous yellow arse. a bit like joyrex.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

I just stole your signature bro.




- Akkad the Orphic Priest

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Deal w/ it nerd





- Akkad the Orphic Priest

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Guest my usernames always really suck

That's what you get for trusting a Scotsman.





- Akkad the Orphic Priest

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Kaen's under my desk earning money.





- Akkad the Orphic Priest

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Guest JohnTqs

i think snakes scare me more than spiders. i havent seen any massive fucking spiders though. this dude chuck had a snake in his plane one time and it totally freaked me out


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louse tongue is the scariest. he eats your tongue then latches onto what remains of it and pretends to be your tongue for ever. fortunately no further harm is caused to you (the host) and with what remains of the stump of your tongue, you can operate the little feller in the same way you would your tongue.


he would be the most terrible person on earth if he didnt have such a cheeky little face.



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ed and emily have just got a 'spider be gone plug' it sends out electromagnetic & ultrasonic waves that get rid of spiders.



its hilarious to see the perfectly lovely emily turn into a psycopathic killer as soon as theres an 8-legged creature anywhere near her.



thye both have arachnophobia. she was crying and shaking the other day because of a suspected spider attack (or 'hellish demons' as she likes to call them) because it was only ed in the house with her and he cant go near them.



it did actually make a spider in my room go spastic, making it turn into the foetal position they really think will confuse enemies, while on a sliver of webbing, then it scarpered.



edit* oh and ludd, i just cant look at the tongue-copier-crab without imagining what kinda head that fish would give.

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