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Favorite Adult Swim bump music?


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i know you guys watch AS all the time....what songs do you jam out to or wish you had the access to jam furthermore?


right now im loving Deastro-Light Powered...perfect balance of fake rock techno mixed with a hint of super nintendo-rpg wonderland.


also, the instrumental version of Hands Up by Madlib.

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that one that sounds like "kjghdrlghsrlgihbvnlsluihjerpf". you know which one I mean?


I mean really. How are we supposed to know what the song is?


I guess I could look at www.adultswim.com

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that one that sounds like "kjghdrlghsrlgihbvnlsluihjerpf". you know which one I mean?


I mean really. How are we supposed to know what the song is?


I guess I could look at www.adultswim.com



fucking find a youtube clip or go to bumpworthy and ask what the fucking name is, try to remember from memory


you know, memory? you lost it from all that heroin use you stupid fuck.

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I don't have cable anymore but my favorite as bumps would be either the original "get out of the pool" ones or the stuffed spaceghost toy flying from a car window ones.


I think those were both before they decided they were a record label (:undecided:), so I can't name any of the tunes.

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good call. is it just me or have they used quite a few tracks from Pistachio island?


one of the things i hate are the bumps with music you can only listen to on a website because it can only be licensed or some bullshit.


the best example of this is the Indian tinged "Show Lineup" shot every night....such a badass song.,...and yet, there will be no album.

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that one that sounds like "kjghdrlghsrlgihbvnlsluihjerpf". you know which one I mean?


I mean really. How are we supposed to know what the song is?


I guess I could look at www.adultswim.com



fucking find a youtube clip or go to bumpworthy and ask what the fucking name is, try to remember from memory


you know, memory? you lost it from all that heroin use you stupid fuck.


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The Dilla bumps are always nice. I remember really liking that Madlib beat from Wildchild's album.



Adult swim got me interested in Dilla. no joke.


before they started bumpin with that i liked some of the Shining, but could take it or leave it more or less.

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Guest Glass Plate

I pretty much listen to all the material they use on my own, but it's pretty awesome that they use ilkae. RIP MERK!!! :(

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i pirate all the shows so i never see the bumps



oh man i know this is going to sound corny, but try to experience it a few times with the bumps. they have perfected the art of advertising.,....its like the channel and all its shows exist in their own tiny little universe.

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i haven't watched AS in a few years. the only catching up i do is through youtube or renting a dvd! i don't remember the tracks by name but there were a few back in those days that i dug!

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Guest countchocula

Squarepusher - hello meow

Flying Lotus - massage situation

Flying Lotus - first friday funk


Someone already mentioned Dilla.

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osborne - wait a minute

oh no - break

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There was this one, I have no idea who it was. Sounded like a Clark song now that I think about it (I wasn't into clark at the time).


It was just a single synth line, sounded like that distorted but compressed Clarky sound, like Herzog or Diesel Raven's lead synths, but going back through my Clark collection I can't find it, so it might not be him...unless it's one of his EPs I don't have.


If anyone has any idea what song it is, based on that very poor description, let me know


It was such a good melody. It's literally lodged in my brain permanently since I seen it. I could actually boot up FL right now and "type" it out. Perhaps I will...

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