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I need a game, similar to Diablo


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Why Diablo? It's all action, always improving, getting new stuff, and even though I finished both Diablos too many times they're still great to play.


Ok, so waiting for Diablo 3 (lol) I'd really like to try out something that's not Diablo for once. I tried Baldur's gate and was too complicated for me (I really want a lot of monsters to kill and spontainous ways to improve n stuff although good story never bothered me). Maybe even some slower-paced game I guess...


Any ideas? Oh yeah, I got a Sempron 3000 with 1gb ram and radeon 9200. Gotta go easy on her :rolleyes:

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forget about baldur's gate and go straight to baldur's gate 2. probably still too complicated for you but that's just because you suck. yes, BG2 is THAT good!

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forget about baldur's gate and go straight to baldur's gate 2. probably still too complicated for you but that's just because you suck. yes, BG2 is THAT good!


The only thing I suck is my girlfriend's clit. I gotta explain myself, whenever I wanna think my guts out I play go. And I play it a lot. But when I'm nervous or tense or don't feel like doing mental work (which is also a lot) I like to jerk off with action packed gaming.


I also played Puzzle quest, because it was also all action, even though puzzle like. I'm like that.


BTW those other games like Zelda and Final Fantasy. Is that something to check out? And if, which version?


I'm already downloading recommends at this time.

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god i love that game, no expansion pack, no sequel, just straight up dungeon siege.

fallout 1 & 2. i could never get into them but i have a short attention span for these games and most people swear by them.

Also titan quest, but it might not run on your computer

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I'm not sure this will work on my machine... I'm looking into those older games now, especially Eye of the beholder2.


So, no Zelda or Final Fantasy fans here or is that probably too braindamaging for me?

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It's a Sempron 3000+ AMD, right? Knights of the Old Republic requires a 1ghz computer and 128mb ram so you'll have no problem running it. So if you like the Star Wars universe then you'll love this one.

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chrono trigger is made by square enix, same as FF

get a SNES emulator and chrono trigger

it is the finest top-down RPG you will ever play


secret of mana is another goodun

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Titan Quest is the only thing close to being Diablo. I love Baldur's Gate and other rpg's like it, but none of them have the action element.


KOTOR is great, but it's very different from Diablo.


Get the God of War games if you have a PS2.


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gaarg, beneboi says you should play fate: undiscovered realms (post that youtube video here) that and titan quest are the only diablo-esque games that have been recommended and that he misses you all very dearly and sends his forbidden love

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Divine Divinity is perhaps one of the best isometric rpgs that I've ever played. Baldurs Gate being the best one, no questions. If you do not agree with this, you should perish in a car fire.


Play Divine Divinity. right now.

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Guest catsonearth

i think what you're looking for is something like baldur's gate: dark alliance 1 & 2 or champions of norrath 1 & 2 for ps2 or xbox. essentially real-time hack and slash dungeon crawlers with fairly deep roll playing elements below the surface, lots of gear, weapons, spells, potions, etc., lots of weapon upgrading with gems or runestones...that type of thing, am i right?


a lot of the games people have mentioned already are a little bit denser on the rpg side, whereas these don't really beat you over the head with it. it's there, but it doesn't bog down the game too much so you can still enjoy killing monsters and shit without spending too much time in the menu. but if you want to spend a lot of time managing your shit, you can. they're not the best games ever, but they're fun and you can just pick up and play them for as long as you want. they're also the best games to play with a significant other who might not be that into gaming. these games turn a lot of girlfriends/boyfriends into gamers. if you like diablo and you haven't played them, they're definitely worth checking out.

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Guest catsonearth
don't listen to anyone else.


just listen to me. only me,


forever me.


divine divin




just look at that avatar. is that the face of someone that would ever lie to you? trust this man, god damn you!











but also trust me.

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Why Diablo? It's all action,


mayebe we played a different 'Diablo' the one i played had no action but was all designed on point and click youre mouse here to click your guys to shoot or move to point X. Is that what people call action these days? if so how?

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