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Official E3 Expo Thread


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I wanted to see some Heavy Rain stuff. :( And I already saw that Trico vid.


And yeah Assassins Creed 2 looked good, but could be just as bad with a few extra features. It was such a shame that first game. Such amazing tech and animations, awful gameplay mechanics. Ubisoft has a record of these games with amazing visuals and style but still seem very boring in the end.

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The 250.00 price tag for the PSP Go is whack though...


Wasn't that the price for the original PSP? Isn't it customary for newer versions of old hardware to be slightly less than the original asking price?


Yes, they even mentioned that it's launching at the PSP's original price point - 250.00, which is what hurt it when it initially came out. I was really expecting the removal of the UMD drive to lower the costs, and the smaller screen (the screen is 3.8" versus the current PSP's 4.3" screen) I was expecting 199.00 (higher, but still below the 200.00 price point), but never 250.00. I guess they figure if people want the latest and greatest, then they'll pay for it. Perhaps they can make them at a profit, thus offsetting some of their losses on the PS3 hardware? Seems odd to cross product streams like that though. I'm on the fence now whether I'll get one or not - I mean my PSP Slim works just fine, although I hate lugging around UMD discs (I haven't hacked it yet since the Pandora battery I bought doesn't seem to work with the firmware I have installed). Also the Go uses the new Memory Stick format, so no cheap MS Pro Duo II cards. Good old Sony.


They showed some Creed 2 gameplay during the Playstation conference, it looked pretty awesome.


That really got me more excited than the first game ever did - this seems like it has much more variety in it compared to the first game, which was criticized for it's repetitiveness.


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Does it seem like to any of you that Sony is trying to win some industry back?




Sony loses GTA4, but now some new Rockstar exclusive game is announced.

Sony loses MGS:Rising, but now some new MGS psp exclusive game is announced

Sony loses Final Fanatasy 13, but now new FF14 exclusive is announced.




Did anyone lol at GT for PSP? Yesterday they used the phrase "Definitive racing game" for Forza 3 times boasting an impressive 400 cars which was quickly retracted to "hundreds," then GT for PSP comes along with 800 cars heh.

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Does it seem like to any of you that Sony is trying to win some industry back?




Sony loses GTA4, but now some new Rockstar exclusive game is announced.

Sony loses MGS:Rising, but now some new MGS psp exclusive game is announced

Sony loses Final Fanatasy 13, but now new FF14 exclusive is announced.




Did anyone lol at GT for PSP? Yesterday they used the phrase "Definitive racing game" for Forza 3 times boasting an impressive 400 cars which was quickly retracted to "hundreds," then GT for PSP comes along with 800 cars heh.


Actually, they confirmed today that MGS:Rising is coming for PS3 as well. Also, I think it's pretty clear that the reason FF14 is PS3 only is Sony is starting to beat MS at their own game (again): give loads of money to developers to entice them to make games for only their system.


The fact that GT:PSP has 800 cars is amazing. Probably what too so fucking long to finally release this game, now, if they'd just pull their finger out and get GT5 out (for real)...


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So is FF VII on the US PSN yet?


I tell you this, if it's not on the EU one - some fucker will die tonight.

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Guest catsonearth
i'd like to see this MMA game that EA is talking about, but alas, all we got was a concept graphic.


What did you think of UFC 2009 Undisputed?


i'm enjoying it so far. it's an interesting twist on your typical fast paced button mashing fight game - you have to be more strategic with the attacks you decide to throw because your fighter will gas out if you over do it and the pace is like you'd expect from a real MMA bout. the controls are complicated, but not too hard to master after awhile. it does take a bit of practice to get confident in how to pull off some of the more complicated moves.


the only thing that i don't like about the game so far is that it doesn't really get across the uniqueness of certain fighters. i mean, they have slightly different animations for different people who have trademark moves - like for instance, chuck lidell throws his trademark overhand right, but the game doesn't really replicate his stance and movement quite right, which sucks because it's a pretty unique stance that i think is important to his style. anderson silva isn't quite as limber and light on his feet as he is in real life, lyoto machida throws some nice kicks (which aren't all that different than the kicks other people throw), but you don't necessarily have any special ability to be elusive or anything like that. just little things like that that remind you you're playing a video game.


the other thing that kinda bums me out is that in the career mode you can get "training" by famous fighters, but it all happens off screen. it would have been awesome if they took that as an opportunity to help you actually become more versed in the deeper aspects of the control scheme, having your trainer teach you new moves and let you practice them and whatnot. kind of a missed opportunity there.


so it's not perfect...more variety wouldn't hurt, but taking that into account it's still a good fighting game. i like that there's no life meter and a knockout can come at any time just like in the real thing. it's definitely a good starting point that i'm hoping they'll improve upon as the series continues.


have you been playing it? curious to know what other people think.

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Guest countchocula
have you been playing it? curious to know what other people think.


I picked up Undisputed a week ago and I like it a lot. I agree with every point you made. I wish they would have put a little more detail in the fighter's styles as well. Lyoto Machida's usual elusive karate style seems like generic kickboxing in the game. I think the online is a little shaky seeing as I have been disconnected a few times, but they can fix that. I am an MMA fan so I guess I am biased, but I thought they did a pretty good job.

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new ICO shit looks HOT!


I thought MGS4 would make me buy a PS3, but I managed to hold out, and while I'd like to play it, I can still wait for a while.


With The Last Guardian, however, I genuinely do not think it will be physically possible.


This looks simply stunning!


ICO and Shadow were fantastic.

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Guest bitroast

i agree, (gonna sound like the biggest fan boy, but fuck it, there's no shame in this) team ico were destined the deliver the goods with a ps3 title, and with this trailer it totally looks like they're delivering another solid title, ie. the goods.

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So is FF VII on the US PSN yet?


I tell you this, if it's not on the EU one - some fucker will die tonight.


I checked around 6:00PM CST, and it hadn't updated yet. I'll check today when I get home. I told my son, this is the RPG you have to play. It defined a generation of RPG players, and the genre itself.


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does blizzard show stuff at e3? id like to see stuff for diablo 3.


They don't attend E3. They have Blizzcon every year in August, so you'll have to wait until then for any huge updates like a class reveal. If you're really starved then there's always diablofans.com and other fan sites that post just about any news on the game. There was a bestiary update showing The Fallen a couple of weeks ago. It's on the official D3 website if you haven't seen it already.

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Guest ZeroHour

by this holiday did he mean christmas or summer holidays

hope he meant the latter cause AC2 looks phenomenal

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by this holiday did he mean christmas or summer holidays

hope he meant the latter cause AC2 looks phenomenal


The game will be out on November 17, late enough to be fresh in everyone's mind come "GOTY" awards, early enough to still sell a few million come Christmas time.

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Why does everyone think HL:2 is so great? I've not played it myself, but from what I've seen of it, it's another FPS/adventure title. Is the story really amazing or something?

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