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James Cameron's Avatar


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As for the new 3D tech I would rather have a cool 45min short movie/tech demo than a sorry excuse for a movie.


Tech demo? Find me a tech-demo that has 200+ million funded into WETA for state of the art effects and CGi... Until then, this is the greatest "tech-demo" your going to be seeing or have seen in a long time.


I just find it a shame that Cameron is following George Lucas steps.


lol you haven't even seen the movie yet


Until the movie is out I can't say much more than that but all the traits are there.


BTW found a good site with HD screenshots on IMDB, this movie really isn't for me.





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As for the new 3D tech I would rather have a cool 45min short movie/tech demo than a sorry excuse for a movie.


Tech demo? Find me a tech-demo that has 200+ million funded into WETA for state of the art effects and CGi... Until then, this is the greatest "tech-demo" your going to be seeing or have seen in a long time.


I just find it a shame that Cameron is following George Lucas steps.


lol you haven't even seen the movie yet


Until the movie is out I can't say much more than that but all the traits are there.


BTW found a good site with HD screenshots on IMDB, this movie really isn't for me.






My point is your completely underestimating the subtle but highly immersive 3D effect, that will add a shit load of realism to the CG. As I said before in this thread, unless you have seen Coraline in 3D, you aren't going to understand its potential. When I watched these semi-ugly plastic/clay characters animate in their world in 3D, it felt like I was actually inside the production studio witnessing everything in the world magically come to life. It wasn't like watching a movie, it was like watching a puppet show but with no strings.



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Guest AOOproductions

i don't remember any of the dialogue in Aliens whatsoever being this far into the realm of cringe inducement if at all. did you see the 20 minute preview? the main character utters the phrase 'bad ass' and 'cool' several times while inside his avatatr


edit: this line at the beginning of the trailer with giovanni ribisi saying 'this rock is worth 1 million per kilo' just so awful and cheesy to me, im surprised they would put that in the trailer.


btw thanks for posting the HD version, the yahoo page is fucked and it wont let me click on the hd ones


visuals look beautiful, dialogue is cringe worthy kind of what i figured after seeing the 20 minute avatar day preview


I'm not too worried, it seems to be about as cringe-worthy as Aliens (maybe more cause of the love story aspect) but yeah, don't be expecting some amazing literature from this... just kickass visuals and an epic story/ride

you guys all gotta get over yourselves and watch the movie for some entertainment. IE Fun? Try it sometime.

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i hate to say it, well actually no i don't but i think Robert Zemeckis will out do the 3d technology in Avatar with the Christmas Carol. When i say 3d i dont mean cgi just the 3d glasses aspect. Polar Express to this day remains the best 3d movie ive seen, Caroline was a close second. Beowulf could have ranked up there with more rollercoaster like movement.

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i hate to say it, well actually no i don't but i think Robert Zemeckis will out do the 3d technology in Avatar with the Christmas Carol. When i say 3d i dont mean cgi just the 3d glasses aspect. Polar Express to this day remains the best 3d movie ive seen, Caroline was a close second. Beowulf could have ranked up there with more rollercoaster like movement.


I haven't see a Zemeckis 3D film..; could you elaborate on what he did differently then Coraline or the 20 Minute Preview?

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My point is your completely underestimating the subtle but highly immersive 3D effect, that will add a shit load of realism to the CG. As I said before in this thread, unless you have seen Coraline in 3D, you aren't going to understand its potential. When I watched these semi-ugly plastic/clay characters animate in their world in 3D, it felt like I was actually inside the production studio witnessing everything in the world magically come to life. It wasn't like watching a movie, it was like watching a puppet show but with no strings.



I'm looking forward to see Tron Legacy to check out the tech instead since it seems less cookie cutter compared to Avatar, maybe on vacation since we don't have any imax cinemas much less 3d imax, hence why I'm not too enthusiastic about the 3d effect.

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a thought experiment:


What age were you when you first saw Aliens? I was 14


Imagine yourself at that age.


Now imagine watching a James Cameron film with:

- marines in mech suits

- alien dinosaur things

- marines in mech suits fighting alien dinosaur things

- helicopters

- aliens riding dragons

- helicopters fighting aliens riding dragons

- all in ultra high quality 3D


Do you think your younger self would enjoy that?

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So don't say anything about cookie-cutting, you're talking about James fucking Cameron. Even Titanic had about two hundred death on screen. Expect Avatar to be R-rated.


It might be Pg-13, I haven't noticed a lot of blood/gore in any of the action sequences.


Still gonna be fucking badass regardless... but an R rating would be awesome (I can't see the studios allowing it though).

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So don't say anything about cookie-cutting, you're talking about James fucking Cameron. Even Titanic had about two hundred death on screen. Expect Avatar to be R-rated.


If there's a movie that looks like typical Disney is Avatar with its blue cat people. After District 9 grittiness and amazing aliens the bar has been raised.

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central premise seems so weird though - they can grow an entire hybrid creature from nothing, inject your consciousness into it, but they can't inject his consciousness into a vat-grown human body to restore his legs? I imagine they figured out some excuse for that.


re: why they can't fix his legs:


Thats easy. They can fix his legs, he just can't afford it. Cos he's just a disabled ex-marine.


In the second trailer you can see the big army guy making a deal with him - if he does what they want him to do (inflitrate the tribe and betray them), they will make his legs work again.

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“With ‘Avatar,’ I thought, Forget all these chick flicks and do a classic guys’ adventure movie, something in the Edgar Rice Burroughs mold, like John Carter of Mars—a soldier goes to Mars,” Cameron told me. The hero of “Avatar,” Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), is a paraplegic ex-marine who travels to Pandora, a moon in the Alpha Centauri star system, where there is a human colony. Humans can’t breathe the air on Pandora; Jake lies in a casket-like vessel, while his consciousness, projected into an “avatar”—Vishnu-blue and nine feet tall, like the native population, the Na’vi—explores Pandora’s rich interior. It is a fantasy about fantasy, about the experience of sitting inert in the dark while your mind enters another world.



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