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They're all American Jews for sure. But if they're Israeli citizens, it means they've done their stint in the Israeli military. And just because they're Americans doesn't mean that they are any less representative of Israeli thought.


the american immigration to israel is the most ideologically motivated, most zionist.

anyone with half a clue would know what kind of answers he would get from such crowd with such questions


so are you trying to make the claim that this is not representative of a lot of people's opinions who live or visit israel?

you make it sound like its an extreme minority

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Guest blicero

btw, re:Iran...


i haven't heard anything about democratic election monitors or anything like that. I assume they are not allowed in to Iran?


I mean, what do you do... how do you confirm that the voting wasn't rigged? unless you can convince the losers supporters, i don't know how this can end.

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Guest Mr Salads
i like jews, but zionists piss me off.


it's just dirt, people!


yeah well anti zionists piss me off too



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Guest blicero

it's just that, jews have been the oppressed people for so long that they don't realize when they are the oppressors (i.e. palestine). i guess thousands of years didn't teach them anything.

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Guest blicero
Man, from the looks of those crowds, the sheer numbers of protesters could seemingly squash the police force. They should turn that shit around.


looks like they did.

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some amazing pics of the streets in Tehran





wouldn't be surprised if some of this was provocation by US and israeli secret ops



yeah this is obviously all staged and not the will of the people in any fashion.


everyone knows Mahmoud is the Iranian public's darling.

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Holy shit


I have trouble taking israel seriously after they deported the tens of thousands of darfurian refugees they agreed to take in "in sympathy to victims of genocide..." They sent them back to fucking Sudan!


some amazing pics of the streets in Tehran





wouldn't be surprised if some of this was provocation by US and israeli secret ops



yeah this is obviously all staged and not the will of the people in any fashion.


everyone knows Mahmoud is the Iranian public's darling.


speaking of fashion, it is quite funny seeing people wearing chuck taylors and designer jeans hurling rocks and hitting eachother with sticks


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They're all American Jews for sure. But if they're Israeli citizens, it means they've done their stint in the Israeli military. And just because they're Americans doesn't mean that they are any less representative of Israeli thought.


the american immigration to israel is the most ideologically motivated, most zionist.

anyone with half a clue would know what kind of answers he would get from such crowd with such questions


so are you trying to make the claim that this is not representative of a lot of people's opinions who live or visit israel?

you make it sound like its an extreme minority


Don't bother trying to reason with Eugene.

Anyways: total number of Jews living in Israel - 5,435,800

total number of Jews living in America - 5,128,000~6,444,000

Number of North American Jewish emigrants to Israel - 110,000.

So the number of North American Jews in Israel is an extreme minority, but since the Likud party (the most nationalist Zionist movement in Israel) has been in power (basically) since the 70's you can say that their thoughts are representative of Israelis as a whole.

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speaking of fashion, it is quite funny seeing people wearing chuck taylors and designer jeans hurling rocks and hitting eachother with sticks


What did you expect?

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what evidence do you have of the US planning it? Surely they welcome the idea of the current president being removed from power...but I fail to see how it was "manufactured" if most of the Iranian public wanted this done years ago.


what evidence do you have that 'most' of the iranian public wanted this done years ago ... this country regularly has elections .. and a wide swath of it's public has a long history of animosity to US meddling in it's affairs ... so regularly they vote in people that stand for iranian independence in the world ...


as for trying to prove what i say to you .. i don't feel like writing up the encyclopedia of knowledge into a thread that would be necessary to convince you of US machinations in the affairs of other countries .. if you haven't noticed that already .. great ... have fun with that ... but really .. i'm way beyond bothering with the justifications ...


maybe there needs to be a leftwing factbook generated .. like the cia one .. it would save us the hours involved correcting the world of it's ignorance having a searchable url to point to ...


heh ...



i love your condescending snarky attitude as of late Dleet.


open any news mag, journal, or search nexis-lexis database for leftist or democratic movements in Iran, they didn't just spring up now, they have been fermenting for the past twenty years if not longer... the reason they are coming to full fervor is if anything, their current president is attracting more attention towards the nation...thus giving him and the Ayatollah excuse to ramp up national security and quash the socialist labor movements(these having been a HUGE part of Iranian society before and during the Islamic Revolution). Compare the images and stories of those older Iranians with horror stories brought on by the Shah, burning American flags and taking hostages, to rioting against their own people because of a blatantly rigged election. its because there is a change in the generational thinking. Iranians by and large are starting to realize that with their previous Islamist leaders pulling for a jihad in the West with little to no resources, millions of Iranians lose their jobs, wars over waterways are fought all for nothing. The younger, more culturally open-minded and educated are finally old enough to at least try to change the way their government has worked.


don't pull the "blame US" card. I know history, Ive read the books, I understand they have a heavy hand in current affairs in the Middle East...that's pretty obvious to anyone with a mind...but to belittle a genuine backlash against an all but dictatorial regime in name by simply saying "The US manufactured it", and then to not even post one source affirming your belief shows you are more apt to condemn 10% of the story that gets you all emotional than focus on the whole story at large.



we'll see how far your protest movement gets eh .. ;l0] ... if you want to settle into the idea that richard engel is a truth speaking non editorially burdened journalist .. well fine ... these are the same networks that gave us the iraq war ..still justify the massacre in afghainstan .. ignore what happened in haiti/cuba/central america/is happening in sth america right now .. indian tribes getting massacred over oil rights .. nobody dem cares on dem keelz ..



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Guest maantecaaa!!!

I highly recommend the animated movie "Persepolis" for those of you haven't seen it and for those of you that just assume Iran is BAD. Like almost everything else in the world, there's degrees of subtlety. I see them alot like Americans, except their country has been influenced by religion much more than the U.S.

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that's weird ... when i was waiting for my post edit to be uploaded .. a message appeared on the cursor stating .. "if you don't like it kindly fuck off" ..


may i inquire wtf .. ??




it's odd that i find it odd that someone mentions this ... i wrote it opff to be something that joy and chaos wrote as a mind fuck for when the posting is slow ... but still .. it's odd... and at least you mentioned it so that i dont' have to feel so weirded out by odd things one see's naoanxenonxeenetmiefrend

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fucking hell



man, i hate zionism. expansive uber-nationalism? hatred of your neighbours? sounds like nazism to me.


and im allowed to say that cos im jew lol


you know Ezkerraldean, for a Jew, you're pretty cool


he's an human .. a zionist on the other hand .. geh .. for a master race we're a pretty disparate group ... i mean check my dads websites omG ..

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They're all American Jews for sure. But if they're Israeli citizens, it means they've done their stint in the Israeli military. And just because they're Americans doesn't mean that they are any less representative of Israeli thought.


the american immigration to israel is the most ideologically motivated, most zionist.

anyone with half a clue would know what kind of answers he would get from such crowd with such questions


what do you think about the russian immigration eugene .. ?? ...seems like some pretty new converts there .. economic refugees ..


I think you europeans are the most anti semitic people ever


so we moved to england .. heh.. we bouncin

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