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is your musical taste


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recently i discovered that itunes has a radio feature. there's a station called stillstream that plays ambient "new age". i thought new age would suck, but i guess this is a different kind of new age... it's great for writing code.


if you like those NASA space recordings, you'd like this station.


oh yeah I constantly listen to DRONEZONE

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

my tastes have definitely changed. been loving lots of reggae recently, sometimes the really cheesy stuff. vocals became alot more important to me than they had been in years. i still dont care what they say but i need the hook i guess of a chorus.


i blame the fall. if i could listen to one band forever it would be they


still enjoy autechre though but not as often as i did

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Guest Tamas

The stuff I liked in the past I will always like to some extent, though in terms of genres and styles I only really care about electronic and classical music.


These days Montreal is overflowing with a ton of really shit indie rock bands, and it's starting to wear away at me to the point that I don't really want to go to shows anymore. It's sad because the main reason indie rock is so popular is because all the stupid idiots like it, and the venues realize it brings in a lot of cash, so they let them play a lot more which makes it even worse...

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if you like those NASA space recordings, you'd like this station.


oh yeah I constantly listen to DRONEZONE



somafm is awesome, i listen to cliqhop a lot

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i recently revisited metallica up until ...and justice for all and found it immensely satisfying

also eminem's first two albums. burial and eno are constants. i don't really listen to idm except ae now


dronezone is nice, if dangerous. it once made me stay in bed for 17 hours

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Guest Iain C
dronezone is nice, if dangerous. it once made me stay in bed for 17 hours


That's not dronezone's fault. That's just life. :cry:

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they played a half hour track of seagull noises, ambience, and parpy stuff like ships in the distance - i wish i knew what it was


simultaneously putting a pc and blackout curtains in the same room as a bed was a bad, bad idea :(

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dronezone is nice, if dangerous. it once made me stay in bed for 17 hours


nice channel


its hard to find good ambient that is not boring

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have other aspects of your personality changed as well yek? do you feel this change has anything to do with you changing as a person wih getting older, that you 'don't have time for this stuff' anymore? everyone probably goes through this kind of thing in some form

i was kinda comparing nowadays with back when idm was more popular/ i discovered idm. i've definatley changed, i listen to some pop music every now and then. i guess it's all good. i just wish these bignames would release better stuff... or more often..... like boc.. release stuff every like 5 years, and expect us to wait for them. pop music now if an artist doesn't release an album every year people forget about them.

i just wish there was more of a market. if this was the case warp wouldn't be releasing indie music

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My taste in music evolves.  I usually get stuck listening to something I like (a lot) until I accidentally reproduce it compositionally, trying to make something original.


My wife grounded me from plugging my mp3 player into the car; I've been playing Bibio since February.



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i don't think i have a taste in music anymore


i just appreciate any type of well made music/good musicians

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Guest catsonearth
i don't think i have a taste in music anymore


i just appreciate any type of well made music/good musicians






but i'll add that the amount of people making music i consider decent these days is incredibly low. i don't know if i was just less picky when i was younger, but now a lot of shit that comes out just doesn't move me. but i still like a lot of the stuff i've always liked.

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hay man, i'm allowed my own um ideas and stuff


way to fuck up a lebowski quote opportunity.

i've never watched big labowsky


*face palm*

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i find that i constantly need music i haven't heard before

i used to be like this ya see but cut to today and i have a huge library of artists i really like and i'm stuck on these artists only, and therefor upset when a favorite doesn't put out an album in 5 years

it's like a discovered enough artists for each one to hit (all) my brain neurons in a specific way lol

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the amount of people making music i consider decent these days is incredibly low. i don't know if i was just less picky when i was younger, but now a lot of shit that comes out just doesn't move me. but i still like a lot of the stuff i've always liked.



This is pretty much how I feel about these things at the moment.


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Guest Glitchy

going full circle actually. Started with the rock, went to metal, heavier metal, black metal, electronica, IDM (anyone still call it that? lol Hi Guys!) and now pretty much back into rock. Though I like the weirder stuff and "genre crossing bands" that can put all of that together plus more.


but I rarely bother with straight electronic music. more into "bands" and "musicians"

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hay man, i'm allowed my own um ideas and stuff


way to fuck up a lebowski quote opportunity.

i've never watched big labowsky


*face palm*


*bowling craving*

bowling is quite addictive... it's like cocaine, cause there's not really much opportunity [for me] to do it but when you do you can't stop and when you think about it, you want to do it. but there isn't bad street bowling

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