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Guest Otto Krat

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he's called squarepusher in reference to attempting to force the more rigid and regimented sequences you usually get from electronic equipment into something more organic and loose.

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

I remember correctly , in an interview I read back in 2001, he said the name is from him pushing COMPUTERS ( and any square like music machine ) past their limits . Supposedly, he knows the in's and out's of all of his machines . He claims he knows more about his machines than the companies that creates 'em

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

- Btw, where did you take the name Squarepusher from?


Squarepusher is mentioned in "Ulysees" by James Joyce, and is apparently an old -english term for an archer. I am always asked this question -I do not appreciate why a name has so much significance. As a pseudonym, I suppose people assume that it was chosen because of some resonance between its implied meaning and some principal attribute of the work presented under that name. My thoughts in this regard were always that a pseudonym, like any other name is a matter of convenience and has no inherent meaning whatsoever.





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I saw the pusher of squares live in Aarhus, Denmark and it was friggin fudgetastic. Even though there were no actual squares present.


There were no squares there, only cool people. However if any sqaures were spotted in the vicinity I'm sure they would have been rightfully pushed. By Tom or some of his minions.



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