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this decade has sucked.


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Is it just me, or has life mostly just sucked since about 1999? When I try to think of things that define this decade all I come up with is ipods and myspace/facebook and 1-dimensional summer blockbuster trash and more bland television and more uninspired mall-rock and neofolk indie crap and even more mindnumbing political bullshit than the world had seen in quite a while.

Remember the 80s? what an era! I hear the 70s weren't too shabby either. Hell even the 90s had moments, there was still some passion floating around, people thinking and creating, problems being addressed and solved.


Has anything good at all come of humanity's continued existence during the past 9 years?

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if life has sucked in the '00's, it's because I made some extremely stupid decisions in said years. That being said, there is something to be taken from every decade, and because of that, every decade is equally awesome.

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Guest zaphod

this decade, culturally, has sucked. i'm so fucking sick of the music that's getting cranked out of the "indie" rock scene right now, this folk rock neo punk shoegaze inflected adolescent navel gazing crap. and then electronic music is dead to me, basically. but personally, this decade has been fine...i've basically grown into an adult in the 00's, and i'm happy with that.

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seems like everything that was bad before gets worse and everything that was good gets better


i lived to see 9-11


pretty fascinating time to be my age. i'll be telling my kids about it someday. freaky, globally significant shit.

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A decade defines itself more than just western civilisation commercialism-based "entertainment"



haha i think that about half of phillip glass's posts.


btw is everybody at least thirty in this thread? i can only really associate myself with two decades; 80s and earlier i can only imagine how awesome they were, but that doesn't count.

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Guest Wall Bird

If you think we're in a sorry state, perhaps it's time that we collectively did something about it, or at the very least individually do something so that it might add up to something worthwhile.


Are corporate tendencies encroaching upon more and more of your daily life? Boycott them.


Have elected officials sold you out after you voted for them? Stop playing into lesser-evil-ism and support someone with integrity.


Does art suck nowadays? Make your own or at least have fun trying.


Have you been laid off due to financial crises? Rally up some friends and eat the rich bastards who continue to exploit you still.


Has internet culture impaired your social skills? Go outside, stop multitasking, and try to concentrate on one thing for more than five minutes.


I'll sum up my thoughts with a line some of you may recognize:


"If your losing, even when you know the rules, you're playing the game for fools."

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Culturally we've had great cinema, tv and music.

I'm sure people can add to this list:

TV - Deadwood, Sopranos, Lost, Entourage, The Wire, Six Feet Under, The Office, Flight of the Conchords, Futurama (ok, it's first season was 99 but the rest of it was in this decade).


Film - (good lord so many) Oldboy, Infernal Affair, Hero, Mind Game, Tekkon Kinkreet, The Incredibles, Amelie, Pan's Labryinth, Snatch, There Will Be Blood, No Country For Old Men...


Music - Analord, The Tuss, Confield, Draft 7.30, Go Plastic, Venus No.17, Geogaddi, Fishscale, More Fish, 8 diagrams, Like Water For Chocolate, So much good shit on Stones Throw, underground hip-hop, All that good dubstep, dub techno, list goes on and on.


fucking fuck you guys and your negativity.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Has internet culture impaired your social skills? Go outside, stop multitasking, and try to concentrate on one thing for more than five minutes.


Go fuck yourself.

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