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Iphone HATE

Guest mafted

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i dunno


i am somewhat skeptical of apple these days - sure when they were producing unique machines with custom hardware and at the time the best UI in existence, they were a big deal. these days it' pretty standard x86 hardware in your macbooks.


however, i cannot argue (and i don't think anyone else can either) that the ipod, the ipod touch, and especially the iphone have made computers, the internet, and all that a lot more pervasive.


ipod/ipod touch: there are a lot of technically better mp3 players on the market now. but it took apple to make this technology pervasive. the reason that there are technically better players out there is because apple was driving the development curve. certainly not the bleeding edge, but apple were the people popularising what is becoming an increasingly similar UI - scroll wheel, menu trees, lock button, latterly videos and album artwork - apple basically were a huge part in defining the accepted UI for a pocket device with a semi-decent processor, similar to what they ripped off from xerox for home computing. and no, sorry, windows CE is fucking dreadful. the stripped-down linux/touchscreen the lottery machines run here is 10x better cos it's super-simple, if we are gonna generalize devices.


now the iphone - that's genuinely impressive. again it's apple making this technology pervasive. they again are defining things that will in time become paradigms of touchscreen UI. and the iphone is the first 'just works' device that can provide always-on WWW. sure, things like android (which i am trying to learn dev for) or openmoko if we're talking hardware are already out there... what apple do, and do very well, is unite the software and hardware under a well-designed UI. even though the box is ultimately still made by foxconn or solectron or jabil or whatever they're now called under the latest buyout, where apple differ is in what they do to the hardware afterwards.


and i think that's the essential difference between M$ and apple


disclaimer: i only ever used a modern macbook once, to remove a region lock. but i fell in love with the ipod UI the first day i used it.

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i was unimpressed with the alphabet of manliness, even as a book designed to be read whilst you are taking a shit


also, has mafted never heard of maddox before?


if so, internet fail.

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maddox is a giant whining faggot. he can suck a bag of monkey dicks. Ooh look at me, I'm writing just like him. lol


kaini: you know that Apple licensed that code from Xerox/PARC right? I'm not gonna argue that there aren't MP3 players better than the iPod out there, things like voice recording different, codecs etc..but Apple wins from a usabilty standpoint and really, how many fucking monkeys out there know the difference between OGG/MP3/AAC anyways? The fact is that marketing plays a huge part in today's society (whether this is "right" or not is irrelevant to this discussion) and Apple does that very very very well.


Oh yeah and that comparison is ludicrously out of date...lol

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not so much when it was posted - but maddox is sorta a big deal on the internet

that being said, anyone with some webspace, an opinion, and sufficient hyperbole can be sorta a big deal on the internet

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Guest mafted

not so much when it was posted - but maddox is sorta a big deal on the internet

that being said, anyone with some webspace, an opinion, and sufficient hyperbole can be sorta a big deal on the internet



Negative, Captain. Failure to give a shit.


I suppose I get what you mean, though.

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2 years .. damn, what was i thinking?


who gives a shit when it was posted, ya fucks?




The point is that a lot of his gripes are no longer valid.

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Guest joshier

iphone is too big for me. i dont like stuff in my pockets unless small and not heavy like most smaller phones.

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kaini: you know that Apple licensed that code from Xerox/PARC right? I'm not gonna argue that there aren't MP3 players better than the iPod out there, things like voice recording different, codecs etc..but Apple wins from a usabilty standpoint and really, how many fucking monkeys out there know the difference between OGG/MP3/AAC anyways?


yeah, i know the whole history of the xerox/apple/m$ UI debacle. it's all pretty embarrassing, people licensing/suing each other over visual representations of abstract concepts - licensing and suing being almost mutually interchangeable in this business given enough time.


my opinion is that all intellectual property rights and all licenses are evil and that information wants to be worthless. but we're too far gone now lol


The fact is that marketing plays a huge part in today's society (whether this is "right" or not is irrelevant to this discussion) and Apple does that very very very well.


spot on. if there's one thing i've learned from working for a large OEM it's that nice brochures, people who are good at spewing bullshit, and [steve jobs/tom hanks/howard stringer/bill gates/!ballmer] on a stage spewing crap counts for a lot, lot, lot more these days than specs. GPS on a netbook? a gimmick, but wait til your mates hear about it! touchscreen? useless for at least 5 years, but again! woooooah!!! about 8-12% of people care about specs - as opposed from the huge proportion of consumers caught up in their particular dick-measuring contest, be it apple or a PC OEM. amd the hardware manufacturers keep us all caught up in a very similar upgrade race to the one we see with cars.


the whole industry is completely full of bullshit, yet founded on glorified calculators that are honest by definition


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Guest joshier

yea.. well.. "that's not valid"

it still is, regardless of the 2 years difference. it's just one of the claims that hasen't changed, much like the 'press button to get (.) etc'

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Guest mafted

yea.. well.. "that's not valid"

it still is, regardless of the 2 years difference. it's just one of the claims that hasen't changed, much like the 'press button to get (.) etc'


yea ..sarcasm there. iphone hype is ridiculous.

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Guest joshier

kaini: you know that Apple licensed that code from Xerox/PARC right? I'm not gonna argue that there aren't MP3 players better than the iPod out there, things like voice recording different, codecs etc..but Apple wins from a usabilty standpoint and really, how many fucking monkeys out there know the difference between OGG/MP3/AAC anyways?


yeah, i know the whole history of the xerox/ap...

talking about cars, my friends dad recently bought an almost new bmw. he had lots of choice and he made his decision. we got talking about it and he said he got the model down which lacked some features, i asked what and he said 'oh the upgraded one offered a cd mp3 player and featured a bluetooth voice comm with your mobile phone'. this upgrade was nearing i think about a grand. funny stuff, because you can get such a device on ebay for about 80 quid and a decent one too.


Anyone looked at pc world prices for rj-45 (normal computer network cable) ? 35 quid for 5 meters. go look it up if you don't believe me, oh and for people not in the know, 5 meters costs about a quid normally.

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when i was ready to become an apple fag full fledged Apple had sunken super low. I think it all started with the ipod. I find it unfortunate that the ipod is already so pervasive (a device that only works with one software program and is meant to work with M4a files, not mp3s)that the name is almost like kleenex, you don't even say'mp3 player' anymore you say ipod, same with 'podcast' its kind of disgusting to me. and you know what? i own an ipod, it's so pervasive that even people who philosophically are agains them still have little choice, they are the cheapest mp3 player on the market for he amount of space.


Apple are fucking genius at marketing. They have done something most other gigantic public companies have been able t accomplish. What is it?

A loyalty by the left leaning or liberal demographic, people who are generally anti microsoft because they are a huge conglomerate. Now you tell me, what other company with a best selling product has been able to get that many followers who are anti corporate greed?

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Anyone looked at pc world prices for rj-45 (normal computer network cable) ? 35 quid for 5 meters. go look it up if you don't believe me, oh and for people not in the know, 5 meters costs about a quid normally.


you are about to enter a whole sub-world of insanity with cables, knobs, and magic anti-noise mats



'audiophiles' (not true audiophiles. the people who buy this overpriced shit) are insane

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my father in law is a snake-oil style audiophile. It's extremely bizarre having discussions about audio with him. Even though we consider ourselves experts in the field ( i with pro audio and him with weird classical music listening dads with $500 speaker cables) we both think the other has no idea what they are talking about.

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