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Brain Eating Killer


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A 'systematic failure' in the treatment of a schizophrenic allowed him to murder a friend and eat parts of his brain before he went on to kill a fellow patient in Broadmoor,two separate reports have revealed.

Convicted killer Peter Bryan was given permission to live in a hostel in north London where he could come and go as he pleased.

He had been admitted to a secure hospital after beating shop assistant Nisha Sheth to death with a hammer in 1993.

But eight years later, mental health experts decided he could live in the community under supervision.

In 2002 he moved to the hostel and at the beginning of 2004 social workers applied for his transfer to 'low support accommodation' but four weeks later Bryan murdered his friend Brian Cherry, 43, and cooked and ate his flesh.

In a damning report into the case, authors found that while living in the community Bryan was looked after by an inexperienced social worker and a psychiatrist who had never worked with a convicted killer.

The report found 'there was, however, a systemic failure to ensure that the key professionals allocated to care for Peter Bryan in the community had the necessary experience to deal with someone with his forensic history and complex presentation.

'The two professionals, who were a supervising psychiatrist and social supervisor, for this unusual and complicated patient were a general adult psychiatrist who never before had had responsibility for a patient who had killed someone, and a very inexperienced social worker who had no training in mental health.'

Following the killing, Bryan was sent to Broadmoor but within two months killed fellow patient Richard Loudwell, 59.

The report outlined a catalogue of errors in the way East London NHS Foundation Trust dealt with Bryan.


psychiatrist and social worker assigned to him should never have been given the responsibility for taking care of Bryan while he was in the community, it concluded.

He was transferred to the medium secure ward of the John Howard Centre in Hackney, north east London, after spending seven-and-a-half years in a high secure unit at Rampton Hospital.


It was typical that a patient in his condition would spend around two years at such a centre.

But after just six months he was transferred as a secured patient to a forensic hostel - Riverside House in north London.

It was there that an 'inexperienced' social worker was appointed to look after him.

The report found he had been a general social worker for only five months.

The panel said: 'He had no training in mental health and no experience as a social worker working with psychiatric patients, let alone mentally disordered offenders.'

The social worker was not 'an appropriate choice' to care for Bryan, the report found.

A supervising psychiatrist assigned to him at this stage was also found to have never had responsibility for someone who had committed murder.




This led to a 'lack of effective management of Bryan in the community'.

The report also criticised the decision to reduce the dosage of medication Bryan was receiving at the hostel after he complained to staff.

This reduction could have been a factor in the eventual deterioration of his mental health, the report found.


This led in 2003 to Bryan being placed in a position where he was allowed to self-medicate.

The trust was also criticised after it emerged that it had not acted swiftly enough after an allegation that he indecently assaulted a 17-year-old girl.

The report said it was 'seriously concerned' that despite the allegation, no attempt was made by the hostel or his social worker to contact the Home Office at the earliest possible opportunity.

Following the alleged indecent assault, Bryan was moved 'for his own safety' from the hostel after being threatened by the girl's family.

He was temporarily placed on a psychiatric ward at the Newham Centre in London in early February 2004 but just two weeks later Bryan was given permission to leave the ward temporarily.

He went straight to a DIY shop where he bought a claw hammer, Stanley knife and a screwdriver and then went to kill Brian Cherry.

Police were called to Cherry's flat to discover a semi-naked Bryan brandishing a carving knife and covered in dried blood.

Both of Cherry's arms and one of his legs had been severed from his body.

In the kitchen parts of Cherry's flesh were found cooking in a frying pan.

Bryan told police following his arrest: 'I ate his brains with butter. It was really nice.'

He was sent to Broadmoor but shortly after his arrival he struck again, killing Loudwell.

A second report released today criticised West London Mental Health NHS Trust for failures in the case.

Loudwell died after sustaining serious head injuries in the attack, which took place in the dining room of the ward.

No staff were present in the dining room at the time.

The report said Bryan had been intending to kill Loudwell for some time prior to the attack.

Loudwell complained that he was being bullied by other patients, but his pleas to staff were ignored, the report found.


'Bullying was not treated sufficiently seriously by any member of the clinical team, nor was it given the priority it merited in Loudwell's case.'

The report criticised the Trust for not carrying out a risk assessment on Bryan before he attacked Loudwell.

The report stated: 'Had a risk assessment been carried out properly, then it is likely that Peter Bryan would have been recognised as highly dangerous.'

The report found that it was 'not appropriate' that patients on the ward were allowed out of the sight of staff.

The health trusts involved apologised for failures in the handling of the case but revealed that nobody had been disciplined as a result.

Bryan was able to function in such a way that made it difficult for even experienced health professionals to detect just how dangerous he was, the reports found.

Dr Robert Dolan, chief executive of East London NHS Foundation Trust, said: 'We offer our deepest and most sincere condolences to everyone affected by this case.


'Peter Bryan clearly had a very severe and complex mental illness. In his lengthy contact with a range of services and a range of professionals, he was able to function at a high social level and did not display any of the typical behaviour or symptoms one would associate with a severe mental illness.

'We accept that elements of the care provided to Mr Bryan could have been better but we also note that the independent report does not say the killing of Mr Cherry could have been predicted.'

He said an action plan had been implemented following the case to improve the trust's quality of care.

Peter Cubbon, chief executive of West London Mental Health NHS Trust, apologised to Mr Loudwell's family.

He said: 'He was a patient in our care and we failed to ensure his safety.

'We also failed Peter Bryan and our apology is unequivocal.'

Following Mr Loudwell's death, the Trust has reduced the number of patients on the ward where the killing took place.

There are now also increased numbers of qualified nurses working on the ward and more patient observation.


Asked about the Bryan case, health minister Mike O'Brien told BBC Radio 4's World at One: 'This is something that raises some very worrying issues and we want to be sure we look at this with a great deal of care.

'If changes are necessary they will be made.'

Shadow Health Minister Anne Milton said: 'This shocking report shows a complete failure of mental health and social services to protect both the public and a very sick mentally ill man.

'It appears that there were repeated mistakes that ended in tragic consequences for the victims and their families and our sympathy is with them having to face the loss of a relative in such horrific circumstances.

'Everyone has been let down and we need to make sure that systems are in place to ensure that mentally ill people who are such a risk to the public are in specialist secure care, not wandering our streets.'

Barbara Young, chairman of the Care Quality Commission, added: 'This is a disturbing and tragic story.

'Providing healthcare to this group of patients requires a high degree of skill and expertise.

'But this report clearly illustrates just how badly things can go wrong when secure institutions have poor safeguards in place to protect people.

'We have already taken action at Broadmoor. Our recent investigation identified a series of problems and proposed significant improvements that will make the service safer. We have been encouraged by the response.'

Loudwell's family hit out over the way they have been treated. His sister, who is not named, said: 'The terrible feelings that this family experienced from when we initially learned of the attack on Richard have turned to anger and cynicism.'

She said the family have never forgotten that another family are still suffering from Loudwell's own actions after he killed pensioner Joan Smythe in 2002, but 'expected that people would be kept safe from Richard, and that he would be kept safe from others' once inside Broadmoor.

His family said he called his mother from the ward the day before he was attacked to say he feared for his life and was being bullied.

A family spokeswoman said they were 'truly unprepared for the shocking scale and catalogue of failings at all levels and in all disciplines of staff at Broadmoor which contributed to Richard's death'.

She said family members were 'horrified' when they were given details of what happened to Loudwell in March 2009.

In a statement, Loudwell's sister condemned 'the way that we have been treated by the trust, the long delay in the trust accepting or apologising for the collective failings that led to Richard's death, and the apparent persistent failure of the trust to learn the lessons from their failure to keep Richard safe'.

Kate Maynard, the family's solicitor, added they had been left with the 'difficult decision' of whether to try to represent themselves at an upcoming inquest into Loudwell's death or 'invest their life savings in legal costs'.

'This state of affairs is deeply unjust,' she said.

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

































that looks like a long read



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yeah. pretty sure this is entirely the fault of a nationalised Healthcare system. something like this could never happen in America.


nope, we're responsible people!



fuck you capsaicin. i clicked your link and there was no naked picture of the pod

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Guest thanksomuch

































that looks like a long read



i second the motion.


edit* i was also honestly hoping this was aboput some sort of brain eating virus/parasite/mold/kitten

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