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A Gift from Sini


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Guest Drahken

He tries too hard to fit some kind of self image he has, which he frequently tries to reinforce by quoting or referring to people he thinks fits this image (aceyalone, redman, etc). If he'd step back a minute and focus on just having some fun instead of berating people or building up his ego he might go someplace, but for now it just comes off as some sorry white boy attempt at being a tough rapper with little to back it up. E-thuggin at its finest really.

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i love how in his lj he's giving some guy shit for calling himself 'blood dumpster' meanwhile he goes by the name of 'sinicalypse, aka emessiah, mack rapalicious, or even supreme pizza: the modelfucker'. i think he lost the plot a while ago zole.

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Guest Adjective

i really thought my sini mime gif was the funniest thing in creation and now its funniness has come closer to my heart because it's proven so unfunny.

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I actually kind of enjoy hearing his tirades in audio form, he seems ever so slightly more humble. But reading him type out all that shit was just painful and his songs were just lame. Maybe if he keeps up for a few years he'll be good, but there's nothing watmm can do now. Its out of our hands.

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btw, joyrex is not in sini's crosshairs. I just talked to him on the phone. He said he's never coming back to watmm on principal.



i was really liking sini there towards the end but then his behavior seemed to resemble that of a stalker having a mental breakdown, on the phone with him did he appear normal or display any characteristics of psychosis beyond his normal craziness? i pointed out to him that his activities might be interpreted as creepy and he proceeded by threatening to kill me in various rapper proses.

i am sad to see him go but he definitely needed a watmm break at least for his own sanity.


edit: does he threaten to kill anyone besides benn jordan?


well, i don't think so. I'll say he talks a lot and quickly. Fun, but hard to get a word in edge-wise. no threats are serious... i dunno though if he has other than benn...

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But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career.


LOL, i just saw this piece of shit movie. that line is probably the most interesting/entertaining/intriguing thing about the entire fucking film



to be honest i actually quite liked the film, it wasnt the best film i ever seen but neilson's charachter was so over the top it was a lol and kept me entertained the whole movie.


You either give me what I need or this switch will stay on until they turn the power off for lack of payment on the bill.

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But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career.


LOL, i just saw this piece of shit movie. that line is probably the most interesting/entertaining/intriguing thing about the entire fucking film



to be honest i actually quite liked the film, it wasnt the best film i ever seen but neilson's charachter was so over the top it was a lol and kept me entertained the whole movie.


You either give me what I need or this switch will stay on until they turn the power off for lack of payment on the bill.


I really liked taken.

It didn't pretend to be anything it wasn't.

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Just got off the phone with our boy sini... he asked me if I could post this mix. His phone went dead before I could get the quote he wanted me to post with it. As for the mix.... It's great in sini's way.


DJ Tim Osmand Owns You Like Your Corporate Masters


In his defense, I've found out that this dude is real as fuck over the past few days.

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i didn't have time to ask as his phone was dying and honestly it's hard to get a word in edgewise, although I have to say he is very polite and we have found a mutual respect for one another. It's a good mix though. More of a mix-tape, no real transitions but he pops up to say a few words and the tracklisting is phenomenal.

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