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Guest ezkerraldean

if this dude made all these awesome discoveries and experiments, why aren't they published in a respectable scientific journal? and no, the establishment isn't biased or any bullshit like that. for someone to come along and turn physics on its head would make the relevant parties quite rich and famous.

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the best part is, everyone saying that this is wrong can't prove shit.


That doesn't make it plausible though. It's also why it's not science even though it puts on a the trappings of actual scientific discoveries. I'd be happy to start threads all day about the Aether that does cartwheels from my neurons and generates a force field but without evidence or a testable hypothesis, it's just FantasyCon or something to chew on during your next joint.

i'm not saying it does make it plausible, just saying it's funny to see people go "nah bullshit man bullshit" when they can't even prove it wrong.



All it takes is to recognize faulty logic and sensasionalist argumentation. when something is written like that it will never be taken seriously by non-crackpots, no matter how true it turns out to be.

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The part I was most fascinated by in the book, wasn't these conclusions of radical change of lifestyle or whatever, but more the experiments that are taking place and have been taking place, that conclude some pretty fantasy crazy science shit. :cisfor:


please do tell.

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I've heard there were lots of experiments done around these things and proved things like telepathy, prayer healing and stuff like that. Reading the first post in this topic wasnt as lol to me as (obviously)to the rest of watmm. Mostly because in this way you can explain much more about the universe (especially the universe of life) that with old-fashioned science.

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I've heard there were lots of experiments done around these things and proved things like telepathy, prayer healing and stuff like that. Reading the first post in this topic wasnt as lol to me as (obviously)to the rest of watmm. Mostly because in this way you can explain much more about the universe (especially the universe of life) that with old-fashioned science.


the old fashioned science is based on empirical evidence, you know stuff that can be tested and observed without resorting to some outlandish explanations. i could say that magic pixie dust is why faith healing works and invisible leprechauns are whispering in my ear what some other person is thinking. it sure explains how these things work, but it's not based on any real measurable methods. sure it might sound plausible and fascinating when mentioning it together with some scientific buzzword, but it's still a load of poo.

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It has a better chance in explaining why I'm here that all science done so far. I believe old fashioned science can't hack human awareness, but this just might.


I've always been the one to stand on the analithycal bank of the river, but these things really interest me. Really.

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I've heard there were lots of experiments done around these things and proved things like telepathy, prayer healing and stuff like that. Reading the first post in this topic wasnt as lol to me as (obviously)to the rest of watmm. Mostly because in this way you can explain much more about the universe (especially the universe of life) that with old-fashioned science.



I've heard that your mom is a slut...


Of course there has been experimentation done around telepathy, prayer healing and stuff like that but certainly they haven't been proved. It is pretty much the other way around.


Yes maybe sometimes things are best explained through metaphor because abstraction and analogy are good way to conceptualize things. This doesn't mean metaphor and junk-science jargon will help you understand "why you are here" more than the book of zen, the bible, DrukQs, mary poppins or random goat fucking.


As far as science can tell you, there is no particular reason to "why you are here". Well, except that you are here because that's how it happened.


This quantum hasn't brought anything new anyway, philosophers brought up the same ideas centuries ago without the need of referencing disciplines they had no clue about.

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It has a better chance in explaining why I'm here that all science done so far. I believe old fashioned science can't hack human awareness, but this just might.


I've always been the one to stand on the analithycal bank of the river, but these things really interest me. Really.


what's the point of an explanation that is unverifiable and based on nothing else than pure speculation. science isn't able to explain everything, but someday we will have the knowledge and technology so we can investigate and test these various hypothesis. who knows, maybe quantum phenomenon can explain things like consciousness, but until it can be empirically tested and proven it's just speculation.

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Science does not prove anything, only disproves. If a bunch of scientists get together to test a hypothesis which comes out like they planned, you won't hear about it. You only hear about it when things don't go as planned.


All the laws that we are so used to (even relativity) completely change at the atomic level. Quantum theory is basically used to explain the unexplained actions of electrons, atoms, etc. For instance, an electron can be at two places at once, which means (in theory) that any form of matter can be at 2 or more places at once. (shining a light in to a crystal shows how photons can be at many places at once). Einstein's equations said this, and that there are most likely alternate universes happening along with ours. It also means that there are, most likely, other dimensions that we have not discovered.


But screw the scientists, they don't know anything. Go with yer gut, like George Bush Jr. did.

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The feminine side of our awareness would say there's more to nature than meets the science...


We'll see. I still kinda imagine that science can and should explain just about everything. But where is everything?

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I've been into similar principles of the field theory for close to 4 years and i believe it works 100%, it's just not very easy. the simplest way to explain it is that your perception determines everything in your life, and it is something that other people unconsciously recieve and react to.


i believe the human consciousness is a source of infinite energy that follows it's own premises. it operates within structures of conscious and subconscious belief and perception in order to create an experience outside of itself.


ask any physicist worth his salt and they will assure you the anticipation and observation of an experiment will affect the result of the experiment itself. i'm not saying that alone validates my beliefs, i have no intention of that either, but this mechanism can only be plainly observable on a particle level.


oh and yeah, if you want to try it out for yourself, start genuinely appreciating as much as you can about your life and your current situation, see where it takes you

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Guest ezkerraldean

oh and yeah, if you want to try it out for yourself, start genuinely appreciating as much as you can about your life and your current situation, see where it takes you

but that's totally untestable. if it doesn't work, you could just say you weren't appreciating hard enough. bit of a cop out

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oh and yeah, if you want to try it out for yourself, start genuinely appreciating as much as you can about your life and your current situation, see where it takes you

but that's totally untestable. if it doesn't work, you could just say you weren't appreciating hard enough. bit of a cop out


You have a good point, but as I see it it's not an external process, it's an internal one, as long as you have a good sense of self awareness you would know your own process. It does require self noticing and that is the difficult part, because we're easily distracted and used to focusing almost completely outside of ourselves, so how we think, feel and react to things are entirely automatic.. As a result, good things or bad things that happen seem utterly random.


I only think it works because it does for me, i have no idea how to test or measure it externally.

I mean the way I first made sense of it was simple, everyone knows your attitude affects your results in the office, the studio, the gym. The thing is, when you dedicate yourself to applying a consistent attitude, after a while good things just seem to magically show up. You wouldn't believe me if I gave you examples


It's sort of a methodology of having those good days or bad days


But my general opinion is that it's a reflective mechanism and that makes it by default difficult to quantify.

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How is this different from telling people "keep your chin up and everything will be a-ok!" Sure its a great habit, but most people just cant feel "genuinely appreciative" all the time or even some of the time. If it were just as easy as flipping your mental switch into happy mode, i seriously doubt people would be as disgruntled. I totally agree that you can turn your life around simply through your mentality, but there's reasons most people feel the way they do. some of it is habit, but so much of is is inescapable circumstances very little of which can be transformed through positive thinking.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

A person who somehow manages to think happy thoughts, or see life through a happier perspective if you will, ends up happier. It's hard to disagree with that. But it does annoy me when people try to back that up with pseudo science to make it more valid. It stands quite well on its own. Pseudo science may make something more culturally accepted in the West initially to the uncritical, but it eventually damages it when you realise, and others point out, the science is bunk. It's just a good social observation, one which can be backed up by common sense, observation and logic. There's no need to bring in quantum physics and atoms into the equation. It just makes you look like you've got a few screws loose. And there's no need for it.

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