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Zero-Point Field


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Out in the vacuum of space, aside from the planets, stars, asteroids and comets, that vacuum is not empty. It is full of electrons et al that are all vibrating like waves, even in the absolute zero cold temperatures. This discovery has recently amazed scientists who now seem to be adopting the name “Zero Point Field” (ZPF) in order to label the stuff in the void. (Those who have formerly been named quacks also called this “ether” and various other designations.) Ms. McTaggart then takes us from the quantum physics discussion over to what medical researchers are discovering about quantum effects in their biology research. Hard to believe but our bodies emit light, and so does vegetable matter.


Now you needn't expect to glow in the dark, but sensitive instruments can determine wellness or make diagnoses based on what particular light the cells emit. And more astounding, correcting the frequency of the light emitted sometimes cures the disease, even cancer. More amazing is that cells resonate or vibrate in a pattern that can be translated auditorially and also respond by vibrating in synch with a healthier sound being played back to them.


Water being a miracle substance, on this our watery earth, can form templates of needed curative substances when molecules are completely diluted out of the solution, which validates the centuries old argument about homeopathic medical remedies and which discovery is beginning to be tested with vaccines.


This all connects to the Zero Point Field, or in other words quantum vibrations of energy or light being aligned to work for our health or against it. Next she talks about faith healers and those who pray for someone’s recovery. Yes, this positive faith and desire does work. (They have done control studies on HIV patients about this.) It didn't matter if your intent to cure was through Reiki, Qi Gong or Christian prayer - it works! The person intending the healing is sending out quantum energy with the desire to help the recipient being targeted to arrange his or her cells to settle into a healthier pattern.


Naturally this leads to thoughts about psychic telepathy. The quantum (ZPF) field that surrounds us all sends or receives thoughts in this extra sensory fashion, particularly when one has trained their mind to be receptive to and believe that such communication works. This led to doing studies on nonbelievers without any type of training, and yes there is a racial consciousness that can be measured through fluctuations in the Zero Point Field (aka the quantum field) that is everywhere. This global field (ZPF) showed remarkable disturbances when O.J. Simpson was acquitted and even greater ones on 9/11/01. So those electrons that are everywhere, as energy (matter) or light, carry information, even memory from different generations (time periods), that a being can tap into and use when required. Now I finally understand why those Monarch butterflies can always find the same trees upon which to roost, even though they are a younger generation and their predecessors are long dead. Stephen Hawking awakened us all with his ideas in “A Brief History of Time”, but Lynne McTaggart has pulled together information from pockets of researchers around the world that will be changing our expectations and understanding of science and ourselves.


That's a quote from a review the the book "The Field" which is something you guys should check out if this kind of stuff interests you.

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It didn't matter if your intent to cure was through Reiki, Qi Gong or Christian prayer - it works! The person intending the healing is sending out quantum energy with the desire to help the recipient being targeted to arrange his or her cells to settle into a healthier pattern.



















































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Water being a miracle substance, on this our watery earth, can form templates of needed curative substances when molecules are completely diluted out of the solution, which validates the centuries old argument about homeopathic medical remedies and which discovery is beginning to be tested with vaccines.



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like every other theory, from gravity to newton's laws of motion to the general and special theories of relativity, quantum physics is a fairly decent approximation of results verified through experiment. you seem to have a problem understanding what a theory is :facepalm:

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the best part is, everyone saying that this is wrong can't prove shit.


That doesn't make it plausible though. It's also why it's not science even though it puts on a the trappings of actual scientific discoveries. I'd be happy to start threads all day about the Aether that does cartwheels from my neurons and generates a force field but without evidence or a testable hypothesis, it's just FantasyCon or something to chew on during your next joint.


I'll admit that quote I posted was a terrible way of introducing the concepts in the book. And yes it does all seem very quacky, and although I am also hearing the information in the book second hand (friend was reading it), there apparently is solid experimental evidence backing up all of the author's conclusions/theories. Unlike some hokey religious scientology bullshit story/theories, it is backed up by scientists (the author, not a scientist, journalist... she collects all these research studies from sources from all countries/places geographically.


But again, I heard this second hand, so its possible (though highly unlikely) my friend mis-represented the book, in hopes to convince me of his beliefs. That is possible, so I don't want to make it sound like I believe this stuff either. I just thought it should at least deserve some attention. And yes it does all sound very silly, especially in that quote.


The part I was most fascinated by in the book, wasn't these conclusions of radical change of lifestyle or whatever, but more the experiments that are taking place and have been taking place, that conclude some pretty fantasy crazy science shit. :cisfor:

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In recent years, a number of "new age" books have begun to appear propounding the view that the zero-point field of physics is the secret force of the universe which explains such phenomena as intention, remote viewing, paranormal ability, etc.[19][20] One of the main purveyors of this view is Stanford physicist Harold Puthoff who spent more than thirty years examining the zero-point field.[21] However, such views are usually considered pseudoscience by mainstream scientists.[22] Books that advocate these and similar views include:


Lynne McTaggart's 2001 The Field - the Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe.

Ervin Laszlo's 2004 Science and the Akashic Field - an Integral Theory of Everything.

Brenda Anderson's 2006 Playing the Quantum Field - How Changing Your Choices Can Change Your Life.

Masaru Emoto's 2005 "The Hidden Messages in Water."

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