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Cat thread


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That's right my friends, good ol' Chimera is getting a cat. I'm adopting a one year old from a relative. We're already good friends, it needs a home, plus cats are IDM and bring good luck in the studio, so I thought why not.


As much as I dislike the idea of doing it, I think I need to get his balls cut.. and maybe go to the vet and do some checkups, but other than that I'm all set with a litter box and a big scratching tree thingy.


However, I don't like the current name and want to rename it.

Any suggestions? It's a male.

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Guest leprechaun

You definitely wanna go and get those balls chopped right off. If you don't male cats can get really aggressive and territorial and then they start spraying/marking everywhere (which stinks to high heaven). Plus you haven't lived until you're awakened at 4 in the morning by your cat having really loud sexy times (assuming you will let the cat outdoors). You cut them things off, though, and he'll be a sweet sweet kitteh for the rest of his life.


Cat names (I've actually had cats with these names so I'm partial to them):




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He's a virgin as far as I know, and I guess it's better to do the deed before he knows what he's missing. So far he's not spraying but he howls really loudly at night.. Not fun!


I was always extremely hesitant about neutering but I just read up on it and it seems like the thing to do. Everybody else I know who has a cat has neutered it as well.


Sorry, little guy.


I'm digging alot of the suggestions here.. except the english phrases because I want it to have a name easily pronouncable in swedish..


Klaus Kinski was the best suggestion so far, haha.

Actually, all the german and russian ones, Karloff, Trotsky, etc seem just right. Damn, I'm terrible at this stuff.

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