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i think im an alcoholic.


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Tuesday good? My parents are coming down tomorrow to give me some early birthday money before they jet off to Greece for two weeks, so I should actually be able to afford to leave the house again! My number's still the same, think I've got yours unless you've changed it.


Maybe Brick Lane or somewhere central?

You did all that secretarial shit for the NHS awell (you kept going on about it), can't they give you a reference and help you back into into society instead of being this cliche studentey piece of shit we see all over the streets. Stand out from the crowd, geek.

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Guest Franklin

First, I have no intention of trying to be a prick or anything. I'm glad you didn't take offense.


Second, I do drink and even take prescription meds recreationally on occasion (for sleep). I have no problem with this kind of thing when it's done in moderation and with an appreciation of Consequences. Reading your post made it sound like you were breaking rule #1 and rule #2. The problem with breaking these rules is that even if one is drinking "just for fun" drinking that much and hanging in that sort of circle can lead to addiction. Things are worse when one drinks with any sort of escapist mindset. This leads to addiction much faster.


Anyway, I'm not slagging you. I just hate to hear about very talented folks heading down a path they may regret.




i think id be happier if there were actual bad side-effects, but thats what worries me, i feel fine the next morning, and have a decent productive day until 10 or 11 when i like to crack open a bottle of tesco value vodka.



and franklin, if you have the type of personality where you can have a great laugh in life entirely sober then props, but frankly i do things that i find fun, and im going to continue to do them without worrying about where its going to leave me later in life. i have a friend who is against all drugs and drinks extremely rarely, hes not very good with women, and his life just seems to be a steaming pile of shit. he doesnt like coming out because 'everyone is just too fucked up and i hate talking to anyone drunk', he whinges about not ever having a girlfriend, his facebook statuses are a solid stream of 'so borrrreeed why is life so shit'. all in the name of not being a fuckup later in life, but to be quite honest i can see him leading a seriously dull, unsatisfied life. i appreciate there are billions of people who can go through their youth without ingesting a single drug and have an absolutely fantastic time, but if you are a person who cant, then its better to have a laugh and damage your body a bit than sit in silence while everyone else goes out and has a great time.


also, now that i have fully quit weed for about 8-9 months, i know for a fact that it actually made me better at the piano, and that if i hadnt of been smoking it i wouldnt even be where i am right now, id be aiming to get some shitty job that doesnt piss me off too much so i can enter the wage slave system and spend my life waiting for the weekends.

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i think id be happier if there were actual bad side-effects, but thats what worries me, i feel fine the next morning, and have a decent productive day until 10 or 11 when i like to crack open a bottle of tesco value vodka.



and franklin, if you have the type of personality where you can have a great laugh in life entirely sober then props, but frankly i do things that i find fun, and im going to continue to do them without worrying about where its going to leave me later in life. i have a friend who is against all drugs and drinks extremely rarely, hes not very good with women, and his life just seems to be a steaming pile of shit. he doesnt like coming out because 'everyone is just too fucked up and i hate talking to anyone drunk', he whinges about not ever having a girlfriend, his facebook statuses are a solid stream of 'so borrrreeed why is life so shit'. all in the name of not being a fuckup later in life, but to be quite honest i can see him leading a seriously dull, unsatisfied life. i appreciate there are billions of people who can go through their youth without ingesting a single drug and have an absolutely fantastic time, but if you are a person who cant, then its better to have a laugh and damage your body a bit than sit in silence while everyone else goes out and has a great time.


also, now that i have fully quit weed for about 8-9 months, i know for a fact that it actually made me better at the piano, and that if i hadnt of been smoking it i wouldnt even be where i am right now, id be aiming to get some shitty job that doesnt piss me off too much so i can enter the wage slave system and spend my life waiting for the weekends.


it's just my opinion but there seems to be something off in this quote, not sure if it's denial or rationalizing or what, but...you're basically saying you can't have a good time without drinking, that's alarm #1, and alarm #2 is you seem to be avoiding that there's no connection between drinking socially and downing the volumes you're talking about daily.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Going cold Turkey for one month sounds like a good idea mate, give your body a rest. It also doesn't sound like the thinking of an alcoholic to me. Be careful though, coz if you can't do it, and more specifically, if you've drunk tonight, maybe give it some more thought. Good luck though man.


Also, what chenGOD said.

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i always have trouble relating to the concept of an alcoholic...i thought i was one, and sometimes still do, but whereas a year ago i couldnt go a day without at least a beer, now i find myself willingly denying a beer often, and engaging in it less and less.


i bought a bottle of wine and planned on drinking the whole thing, but could only get a little more than halfway before i poured the rest out.


what is it exactly that makes you an alcoholic? if i was one according to the standard definition, i suppose i would have finished that bottle regardless of the way i felt?


i used to think the same of weed, but now i probably smoke once every three months...its very strange, like perhaps the chemistry in my brain has altered not to latch onto it so heavily?


makes me believe more and more about my old shrink and doctors saying i was "self-medicating"

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ive been to rehab a couple of times and consider myself an alcoholic, but labels are beside the point. i can give you this big speech full of 'recovery speak' and aa and blahblahblah but i wont because it doesnt feel honest. the bottom line is that if youre doing something thats self destructive its important to recognize it and do something about it. if youre doing something thats self destructive and recognize it but dont care then you need to think about why you dont care. ultimately the only person in charge of your life is you and there are many paths to recovery, contentment and fulfillment. and thats all ill say about that...

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Guest abusivegeorge

I really cannot go into what defines an alcoholic, it would be against the anonymity of the fellowship of AA to start deifining an alcoholic, and there are many different types, we are all different.


The simplest way: Alcohol is only a symptom of our illness, alcohol is a mental illness, we drink becuase thats how we deal with life, we are born with a hole in our soul if you like, and we found alcohol was the only thing that could fill it. Untill we find a spiritual basis grounded enough to fill that hole for us, and keep us happy within outselves, and clear the wreckage of our past, we continue to drink.


I shouldn't really be saying this, but if you can turn down a drink, without needing help, you're not an alcoholic.


Another simple way is this: We were not born physically craving alcoholic beverages, so alcoholism is not a phsyical illness, if it was, we would crave drink from birth. It does however become physical with time, we picked up a drink becuase when we first tasted it, our soul found something that filled it, and made it content.


An alcoholic ends up with a three-fold illness, mental, physical and spiritual.


I really cannot say anymore.


ive been to rehab a couple of times and consider myself an alcoholic, but labels are beside the point. i can give you this big speech full of 'recovery speak' and aa and blahblahblah but i wont because it doesnt feel honest. the bottom line is that if youre doing something thats self destructive its important to recognize it and do something about it. if youre doing something thats self destructive and recognize it but dont care then you need to think about why you dont care. ultimately the only person in charge of your life is you and there are many paths to recovery, contentment and fulfillment. and thats all ill say about that...


Also, this.

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well, i was about to say though, the term alcoholic does not define in of itself harmful behavior.


i can damage my body and not be an alcoholic by drinking...you know?

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Guest abusivegeorge

Absolutely yeah, I knwo drug addicts and slef harmers who've never touched a drink.


same thing about finding something that fill your soul though you know, different strokes for different folks.

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I've always considered myself a potential alcoholic because I love the buzz, but it's so much work to get to where I like to be, so I rarely partake. That being said I am a drug addict through and through. Any luck and it won't kill me.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I've always considered myself a potential alcoholic because I love the buzz, but it's so much work to get to where I like to be, so I rarely partake. That being said I am a drug addict through and through. Any luck and it won't kill me.


I hear ya <3.

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