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What does crack smell like?


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A couple hours ago I was doing some work in my apartment and I noticed a distinct smell wofting trough my floorboards from the apartment below.

It is very hard to describe. It definitely wasn't weed, hash, cigarettes, incense, opium or food cooking.

I remember smelling this very same smell while I was in line for a haunted house at my community swimming pool when I was in middle school.

The only way I can describe it was strong and stale but somewhat appetizing.


I figured I'd ask you crackheads.

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Guest abusivegeorge

bittersweet chemicals


wait it might have been cloves. if you see someone smoking cloves, punch them in the face immediately




Seriously though, do that.


I have no idea what crack smells like, my ex's smelt of roses but she washed her shitter frequently.

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It is a *mild*burnt plastic smell. Not full on like you accidentally left a plastic spatula on a hot stove burner and have to open the windows its so thick. Crack has this certain transparency to it which is very different than weed. It's a lot harder to put your finger on what teh smell is, and it also goes away very quickly. It actually reminds me a bit of fog machine smoke where its so transparent that it doesn't bother you but at the same time there is a very distinct smell to it.


There's almost a sweet caramel or damp citrus smell depending on what its beign smoked out of.


Btu again it's not thick like pot or cigarette smoke. If it's smoked out of aluminum foil, mixed with cigarette ash, it takes on a bit of ashy smell similar to a cashed bowl of weed begin smoked through aluminum foil.


*source - shared a house with a crackhead for a few months. They kept it far away from me but i had to walk thru their room to use the bathroom and you could smell it back there.

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freebase cocaine tends to have a sweetish smell to it, especially when smoking cocoa puffs. It's not particularly strong imo.

Never smoked straight rock so can't tell you bout that. But since freebase coke is basically crack but less stepped on, I imagine it would smell similar...

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I have smoked a few rocks in my time lol.


it smells like you would imagine it to smell - like burning chemicals. or more specifically, like burning cocaine derived chemicals. know what coke smells like? it's like that being burnt.


crack's wicked.

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only if you're a fucking idiot and smoke it every day and get well into it. don't get me wrong, I've not smoked any for years and only did it 6 or so times before that...seriously, it's nothing special - you have some and think, "yeah it's alright", loll around for a bit being all high, then it wears off and you go home and go to bed. think nothing more of it. it's not like you have a rock and turn into a crazed crack head.

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Maybe so but I think there's more to drug addiction than just being a fucking idiot to be honest mate. If you can take it or leave it then fine, but you're lucky.


Frankly I wouldn't touch the stuff, I've had a bad enough time with the powdered stuff in the past and I just don't trust myself.

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