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"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door." by Emma Lazarus.





'Liberty' what does it mean to you?

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true liberty can only be experienced and given when it is within a framework of Truth.


the words that are written at the bottom of the statue of liberty are true, but we just lost the ability

to be that which sets a good example in this country.


i say open the borders when we are truly ready to help people, until then....alot of

people come here for the wrong reasons....and it's our fucking fault.


bling bling.

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freedom and liberty are two different things:


Liberty: freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.


Freedom: exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc


The US was based on "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". America today would most likely make the founding fathers roll over in their graves... America is fucked though. We were based on a document stating all men are equal while owning slaves. Liberty is less government.

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freedom and liberty are two different things:


Liberty: freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.


Freedom: exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc


The US was based on "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". America today would most likely make the founding fathers roll over in their graves... America is fucked though. We were based on a document stating all men are equal while owning slaves. Liberty is less government.



very nicely put, i like the way you think Hautlle

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however....get a big, thick (preferably over 2000 page) dictionary

that is as old as possible and look up the many meanings of Liberty.


i mean that in no offense Hautlle, it's just that they want us to go by their

meanings and we have to search the dictionary for ours

in each word.




(words are a system of control if used against our hearts, they are nothing if not run through our hearts

with all the options of the different meanings, thats why modern translations and modern dictionaries can be so evil.)

(the root of all evil) :smile:


like the difference between the meanings of circumcision for example (lots of cocks had to be cut for that one)




our founding fathers would roll over in their graves :excl:

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the inscription on the statue of liberty only applies to new york, right?



no my friend, it's what the people coming over so many years ago wanted to found in this new free land as a way of

saving the world. to found a country as an example and a safe zone in the world.


a medic if you will for the disease that was going around.


unfortunately the doctor got infected with the same disease it was trying to cure. :sad:

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troon you seem like a nice enough person but you need to remove your head from your ass. im sure theres something interesting behind the flakey new age exterior..

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