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my fiance left me

Guest petr

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here's a good book about the subject: http://www.amazon.com/Touched-Fire-Manic-Depressive-Artistic-Temperament/dp/068483183X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1258697742&sr=8-1


The march of science in explaining human nature continues. In Touched With Fire, Jamison marshals a tremendous amount of evidence for the proposition that most artistic geniuses were (and are) manic depressives. This is a book of interest to scientists, psychologists, and artists struggling with the age-old question of whether psychological suffering is an essential component of artistic creativity. Anyone reading this book closely will be forced to conclude that it is. Very Highly Recommended.
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here's a good book about the subject: http://www.amazon.com/Touched-Fire-Manic-Depressive-Artistic-Temperament/dp/068483183X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1258697742&sr=8-1


The march of science in explaining human nature continues. In Touched With Fire, Jamison marshals a tremendous amount of evidence for the proposition that most artistic geniuses were (and are) manic depressives. This is a book of interest to scientists, psychologists, and artists struggling with the age-old question of whether psychological suffering is an essential component of artistic creativity. Anyone reading this book closely will be forced to conclude that it is. Very Highly Recommended.


wow i love the title. from now on instead of saying im bipolar i am going to tell people i've been Touched With Fire




http://www.petracortright.com/malefemalechild.html this one is blowing my mind. I suppose you're supposed to play them all at the same time, yes? I was laughing my ass off at the crying dude talking about some program


yes that is it.


you can play them all at the same time or not, your choice - it is funny both ways to me

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I hope your creativity flourishes while keeping a level head...


all of my individual influences and favourite humans that are alive or have ever lived seemed to be superbly unique in the way they think and act...


the life of an artist(all arts) seems to usually be a rough one....


drinking alcohol and self-medicating seem to not help but are often a problem...


speaking from experience...


getting away from the city seems to help me, the clean air and beauty of it all...


hope you find peace of mind...


keep us updated

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I'd just like to say that your website is crazy-ballz-to-the-wall awesome.


I'm an artist meself, and I've dealt with anxiety/depression stuff...both art and writing helps. So does exercise, healthy eating, meditation etc.


But as mentioned by others, your family and those close to your are really key to your emotional support, don't be afraid to reach out, ask for hugs, etc.

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Sorry if i sound like prick but i'm also bipolar :


i never got with this chick i was deeply in love with as she rejected me... because i am bipolar. I actually find it's a pretty normal reaction. We are handicapped people and we just are like people in wheelchairs. Wouldn't you dump your girlfriend at some point if she'd get paraplegic ?

A thing doctor aren't likely to tell you : 25%(roughly) of bipolars die from suicide. Those who have survived a first attempt have 50% chances to die from suicide in their life.





Babar, out !

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Sorry if i sound like prick but i'm also bipolar :


i never got with this chick i was deeply in love with as she rejected me... because i am bipolar. I actually find it's a pretty normal reaction. We are handicapped people and we just are like people in wheelchairs. Wouldn't you dump your girlfriend at some point if she'd get paraplegic ?

A thing doctor aren't likely to tell you : 25%(roughly) of bipolars die from suicide. Those who have survived a first attempt have 50% chances to die from suicide in their life.





Babar, out !


nice optimistic interjection.... hahah


couldn't you have just said "I thought all girls were bi polar :tongue:" hahah


nah but shit is hella serious and yeh its understandable to have to leave someone because they don't have their disorder figured out a little.


I had a pretty fucking intense off and on relationship 2 and half years with a girl who was extremely bi polar, I tried my best but I had to let her go.... a few times... haha


so many crazy stories from that girl wow.. most comical and proof that its a legit mental disorder: she bought this huuge amazingly beautiful bong that was worth at least 300 dollars from some people for like 150 anyway she fucking loved it, she had so much pride in this thing for the 3 days she had it before she FUCKING JACKHAMMERED THE BASTARD THROUGH MY KITCHEN FLOOR because I said something like "why cant you seem a little stoked that I went through all this trouble for you".... hahahaha we laugh about it pretty hard now but that thing was seriously her pride and joy.. it became painfully obvious that quite often that she did things she would never want to do because of teh bi polla, that she could only get help when she really wanted it and was dedicated to it and I couldnt help her at all

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Good luck with this Petr(a) - my ex was bi-polar and I've seen how absolutely, tragically difficult it can be to deal with it. Especially in a world that often marginalizes the mentally ill.


The advice here seems pretty spot on for what I've observed - take your meds religiously, get exercise, eat well, etc. Beyond that, though, make sure you take it easy on yourself. Don't try and make too many major life changes all of a sudden, and make sure you have a solid support group around you (sounds like your family is being there for you, which is great!)


And remember, you are totally worthy of love and kindness, especially, and most importantly, from yourself.

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i am pretty sure i suffer from some form of this as well.. it is the most intense version of the human experience, emotionally. i hope you are doing better.

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thank you for all the kind responses again it really means a lot.


i have already done a lot of work for two months already i stopped drinking, smoking, any drugs, eating sugar, gluten, any "simple carbs", dairy and i monitor my sleep i go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time everyday. i need to exercise more but like i said i just got out of the hospital and i am still a bit exhausted. also my medications make me pretty tired. i plan to start doing yoga, jogging, maybe even kickboxing - it might feel good to beat the shit out of something. also maybe i will start playing soccer again for a womens league.

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Guest bitroast

can't imagine how incredibly shitty +rough it must've been for you... but it's good to hear things are back on track. i'm sure things will only get better from now, now that you know and are able to live a healthier lifestyle. yeah, i'll second the rest of WATMMs 'wish you luck' comments and hope the best for you:)

(your website+work is genius btw)

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