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Kenny vs. Spenny - Season 6


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The fart episode will always and forever be the one I cherish. When Kenny starts using bicycle pumps and hollow tubes lubricated with Jaegermeister (wtflol) to induce farting, I seriously can't take it from the laughter. It got to the crew to because in one shot, you can see a guy drop a very expensive looking HD cam on the floor because he's laughing.

reversed, strangely:



lol, there's some monster flatulence in that comp



I'd have to say the "Why can imitate the other guy better?" episode is my favorite.


Kenny pretending to be Spenny eating shit out the toilet made me laugh tears immensely

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I've watched every episode of Kenny vs Spenny I could find online in the past month. Most of them are here.


Anyway, I absolutely love this show. I vaguely remember reading that Comedy Central dropped Season 6 so it's only playing on obscure Canadian TV or something.

Do they have any DVD's out?

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yea, all the seasons have dvd releases in Canada and season 4 was available on dvd in the us. It's a shame that comedy central wasn't able to market the show better or give it a better time slot.

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I'm a huge fan of Kenny vs spenny in fact it's actually filmed all over Toronto. It's on showcase which is the same network that shows trailer park boys (also a huge fan) which I can't wait for their new variety show "the drunk and on drugs happy funtime hour"


I thought the weed episode was going to be the last episode and am glad there's a season six but it's probably put of necessity as both of their other projects have failed


the thing about Kenny bs spenny is that it's brilliant when things just happen or they rely heavily on improv


but like all reality tv a lot of stuff is scripted or planned out way in advance usually without spenny or his crew knowing


that said, the LSD episode is definitely my favourite

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yea, all the seasons have dvd releases in Canada and season 4 was available on dvd in the us. It's a shame that comedy central wasn't able to market the show better or give it a better time slot.



This is the same situation as trailer park boys, they tried really really hard to market it to the US but it never took off. Which is kind of sad

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My buddy and I are huge fans of the series and have seen every episode... we were happy to see season 6 available in HD so we grabbed the first 2 episodes. The 69 episode was interesting... the twist being it wasn't Kenny doing the fucking-around it was the crew. We havent watched the second episode yet though... but like others my all time favorite episode was the biggest fart episode. "Who could hold crap in their pants the longest" was pretty good too.

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Absolutely love this show, used to watch it religiously. Excited to check out season 6, I think my all time favorite is the Who Can Sell More Bibles episode because the twist was so well set up.

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  • 2 months later...

The latest episodes aren't reaching me as the earlier ones did, but a few from this series have been good. Biggest Retard and Cockfight especially.

The Black Guy episode actually failed to deliver for me. I think it was dragged out too far.


Anyway, new episodes here:



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Two guys with South Park humours live together and do keerrazzzy challenges that usually result in massive humiliations or lewd acts. Always funny. Borderline genius. Borderline puerile bullshit.

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  • 9 months later...



Kenny vs Spenny ends with a Christmas special around December 23rd.


Both have their own separate show in the offing though, so maybe it's like some giant meta-competition. It's a little bit sad to see it end, but they had definitely jumped the shark. The last series was struggling for the spontaneity and genius of the first couple.


Box-set of all series' please, godammnit!

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I have never heard about this, what the hell is it?


It's a show with a pretty simple but brilliant concept: two guys compete with each other in various (often idiotic) challenges, such as "who can sit longer on a cow" or "who can loose the most weight in a week" - it's a neat idea. BUT, as Philip Glass said, almost everything is scripted (even though they keep denying it, but it's completely obvious) and therefore defeats the whole point of the show. There's a smaller fat guy who plays the "Jack Black" type of character, the whole overblown self conscious thing that annoys me with most American (and apparently also Canadian) role model figures, and the other is a tall and slim "looser" character and gets constantly dissed by the fat one. Also the fat one almost always wins, to make it even more predictable. It's kind of the wrestling of comedy.


There's a lot of episodes on YouTube, I commented on one video once, asking why it was all staged and why they didn't just go through with the competitions, and got a reply "You're a douchebag, who cares of it's real or not, it's entertaining!" :rolleyes:


There's a German spin-off (more rip-off) of this show which is the exact same concept, two guys competing etc, even the intro sequence and music is the same, but it's better for one single reason, and that is that they actually DO the competitions.

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The first few series contained less scripted episodes. They tended to script as they started dealing with more epic, logistically difficult tasks to carry out.


And why shouldn't it be scripted in some circumstances? It creates a better narrative and cohesive momentum. Often the most entertaining parts of the show are watching Spenny detoriate after days of mental-torture from Kenny and not the challenge at all.


They clearly have a big crew following them around and they often involve them in the challenges. It's not trying to be reality TV. It's just frat-house pranks.


The thing that makes the show seem like reality TV is that it's mostly set in one house and, in the first series especially, the low budget camera work.

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Well it doesn't exactly sell itself as The Office or something where it's obvious that it's following a script and still has the same camera style. They say it's all real, which is probably what's annoying me the most about it. It's competitions after all, so what's the point if the whole strategies and the winner are pre-determined? Would you watch a soccer game when they throw in some extra scripted goals for more entertainment? I don't know ... I've seen the early seasons only and those were already so obviously staged that it put me off watching them.


With the German spin-off it's kind of the other way round - in the first season they tried to imitate the original, having the same challenges and on some occasions even the same "pranks", sometimes they wouldn't work though but they left it in anyways, so it was kinda half-scripted. Later on they came up with their own challenges and got rid of all the scripted prank stuff. The latest two seasons was a live show with them performing mini-challenges on stage in front of an audience. I prefer the mid-season though.

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I've never heard of that one, but the thing with Kenny Spenny is that it would just be so easy NOT to fake it, there'd still be enough laughs. Imagine having a competition like "who can avoid using their arms for longer" with your childhood friend, you'd be laughing your ass off half the time. And yet the makers of the show for some reason decided to follow a script instead of just filming the improvisation and making a little less impossible-to-pull-off competitions like "who can commit more crime" or something. The one guy even hit on the other guy's mother in one episode and of course was successful with it, on camera. I mean, come on ...

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