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i'm fu kindg drunk

Guest southside jim

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Guest southside jim

straight up, i love this forum and all of the people that belong to it. electornic music is the best, and since we all love it, we're the best. in the fuckin world. COMMENTS!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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I had quite a few good beers this evening... not fukningk drunkzlol though :( I took the dog for a walk but ended up sprinting up and down the street for about 20 minutes. I feel like shit now.

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do you ever post on watmm and then forget that you did? it happens to me all the time, constantly discovering new posts :sorcerer:


Holy fucking lol so this morning I get up and go to my recent posts and the first post I read is yours, and then my post above it, which coincidentally I totally forgot about

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