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Surprised Kitty


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Guest AOOproductions

I saw this the other day and nearly melted from the cuteness.

when you watch a video like that you literally forget about all the evil in the world... fo reals. you just get sucks into a world of candy canes and love. If someone made a gif out of this i could watch it continuously and never take my eyes off it utill my brain cums from happiness.

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I saw this the other day and nearly melted from the cuteness.

when you watch a video like that you literally forget about all the evil in the world... fo reals. you just get sucks into a world of candy canes and love. If someone made a gif out of this i could watch it continuously and never take my eyes off it utill my brain cums from happiness.

only thing better would be if the kitten was giggling

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My cat has taken to putting his paws on my leg while I watmm until I pick him up and put him in my lap. Then he falls asleep until I have to pee after my fifth Pepsi Max, then I pat him on the butt and he jumps down where my feet were and lays down until I get back, and it starts all over again.

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Man, that site pre-dates all brass instruments - I knew about that site even before I had any form of internet in the house (I didn't get these world of wide webs till 2001-ish) after reading about it in some rather ill researched newspapers. (For those living under a rock for about a decade - http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Bonsai_Kitten )

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