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The secret to happiness, found on Wikipedia.


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Epicurus was a pretty bitchin' dude.


As far as my understanding goes, he ran a little school, that was more like a cult, and everyone there just like farmed and stuff, but they took it easy, so as not to overwork themselves, but not too easy, so as not to get lazy, and they just tried to be happy about everything they have so that they wouldn't crave more, which leads to anxiety (as translations of Epicurus lead).


There was this other school, called the stoics, and they werent as united as the epicureans. Rumour has it that many folks quit the stoic school and joined the epicurean school, but no one ever left the epicurean school. Epicurus was all like "this proves that I have the formula for happiness just right" and the stoics were all like "Just cus no one ever quits your little happy farm land doesn't mean it's the best way to live. You can make a man a eunuch, but you can't turn him back. That doesn't mean it's better to have no balls".


Maybe this was tl;dr, but it's totally awesome. I wish I could have been there.

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how exactly do bitches and bling fit into this?


He was like a muthafucking cult leader. Everyone went to pappa Epicurus to cure them of their worries, and he'd accept any patient. He even helped out women and slaves!!

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I'm assuming the word "epicure" comes from him, related to food. Guess he liked some KFC too!


Kinda. Epicurus thought the only thing important was pleasure, so sometimes his name is associated with luxury. But he thought that real pleasure was not having good food and drink, he thought it was being satisfied with mediocre food and drink. So, the word epicure really comes from a misunderstanding of him.


There was a dude from a bit earlier called Aristippus, whose views were more in line with the word epicure.

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Speaking of happiness, I've been in pretty high spirits today. Which is unusual as I've been down in the dumps as of late. Think having a string of successes at work has helped, that and good sleep. Plus eating better too.


I love almonds. Mmm.



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