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Stinky Bastard


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Guest Calx Sherbet

i can imagine not using soap, but i've tried not using shampoo ONCE. my hair felt disgusting, it drove me crazy all day. couldn't wait to take a shower again. if that's OCD, well fine. then i'm OCD

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i can imagine not using soap, but i've tried not using shampoo ONCE. my hair felt disgusting, it drove me crazy all day. couldn't wait to take a shower again. if that's OCD, well fine. then i'm OCD

No, I'm the same way. Can't sleep unless I've taken a shower.

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Using shampoo or other chemicals on the skin strips your body of oils that it produces naturally. However, it also causes your body to overproduce those oils in order to compensate. Once you've discontinued use of all hair and skin products, there'll be a period of adjustment as both return to a normal state. It's likely that your hair and skin will appear oilier than usual but it will only be temporary.


If ever, I use a bit of baking soda as a deodorant substitute, sometimes in my hair, but not often. If your skin appears dry, you can use olive oil to moisturize. Apple cider vinegar also seems to work well, but I couldn't tell if I'd been using too much as my skin was a bit irritated—this may have had to do with the water being too hot.

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Zazen: I truly do think this guy probably smells like the wino that hangs out at the corner store looking to score a fiver so he can get his latest bottle of port.


I get the whole "giving the body time to adjust" bit, but it's also about what you intake that affects how you smell - and, the environment you live in. Modern people cannot go back to the way they were hundreds of thousands of years ago due to the fact that covering ourselves with clothes, where we live (climate extremes), and what we eat and have modified to eat (cooking versus raw or whole foods) has forever changed mankind. Also, society has evolved to the point where once-acceptable natural human smells are no longer present and have been replaced by odor, thus requiring that man mask or remove these odors with soaps, lotions, oils, and cleansers.

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a lot of people do this. especially with shampoo, its not really necessary. As long as you take showers often enough you don't need to always use soap. I used to shampoo maybe once every 2-3 showers, it actually helped my hair because the oils weren't raging out of my scalp as much once they got weened off the poo(sham variety). Just once it felt like it was getting gross i might give it a shampoo.

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Zazen: I truly do think this guy probably smells like the wino that hangs out at the corner store looking to score a fiver so he can get his latest bottle of port.


Hmmm, OK, but what he's doing is very different to how a wino lives. He does shower, presumably quite often, but he doesn't use soap or shampoo.


If you read the article it says at the end:


My wife now mentions more than ever before that "you smell good." OK, I had to post that only because some might worry on that score....


So do you have some preconceptions that you need to reconsider, or does he have a wife that digs BO?

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If you read the article it says at the end:


My wife now mentions more than ever before that "you smell good." OK, I had to post that only because some might worry on that score....

Do you actually believe that?

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Guest ezkerraldean

i rarely shampoo my hair, mainly out of laziness but it's all perfectly fine although mine's pretty short anyway so it don't really matter innit and stuff like

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If you read the article it says at the end:


My wife now mentions more than ever before that "you smell good." OK, I had to post that only because some might worry on that score....

Do you actually believe that?


I think this could work for some people, so ... yeah.

But I understand that he could be just making everything up.


But I also find it kind of interesting that some people's reaction is just a straight out-of-hand "no way man, this dude must smell awful and you can't possibly stay clean without soap"


Joyrex went on to explain his thinking in a bit more detail, above, so thats fair enough but the original thread title seemed a bit short-sighted to me.

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Wow, there's nothing sexier than barely pubescent idm geeks with inadequate hygiene routines rebelling against the oppressive evil of soap manufacturers. By page 2 the precum had soaked right through my pyjamas. By page 3 I came so hard I nearly knocked myself out, gushing my glutinous man goo over my face, hair and monitor. However, I won't be clearing it up as the human body has a remarkable self cleaning function and within six months there will be no trace of my crusting face omelette.

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If you read the article it says at the end:


My wife now mentions more than ever before that "you smell good." OK, I had to post that only because some might worry on that score....

Do you actually believe that?


I think this could work for some people, so ... yeah.

But I understand that he could be just making everything up.


But I also find it kind of interesting that some people's reaction is just a straight out-of-hand "no way man, this dude must smell awful and you can't possibly stay clean without soap"

I am pretty open-minded about things. Just not blog posts.


Your line "I think this could work for some people" is key... If you don't do anything strenuous or don't live in a hot locale you probably won't need to keep yourself as clean as someone who sweats a lot. It's also very dependent on the individual him/herself.



go to 1:58


Telling people not to use soap is not good advice for 99% of people. If you hate corporations (get used to them btw, they're not going anywhere) you can still make your own soap.

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Also, society has evolved to the point where once-acceptable natural human smells are no longer present and have been replaced by odor, thus requiring that man mask or remove these odors with soaps, lotions, oils, and cleansers.




In reality not your mass consumer fantasy world, things like perfume are no longer necessary as we regularly wash both ourselves and our clothes. And granted some people are still going to exude problematic odours, but these can be remedied without perfume via methods some of which were mentioned already in this thread.


It is true am totally anti the perfume industry, as what they produce is a constant irritation to my allergies. And i understand that some people find those nauseatingly loud odours a psychological comfort, but in the interests of the solace of those around them, perfumes should be banned.




Next, I used to shower several times a day before i surrounded myself with the joys of aircon. And when in the shower would lather myself with so called low irritant liquid soaps, grew up never using the old style bar stuff, and when i did found it tedious to use. Anyway, despite my fastidiousness in the cleaning department, I ended up with a hard to get rid of skin fungus. After researching online I found that that the detergents that i was using were actually feeding the infection. And on top of that, logic determined that I was continually washing away all the beneficial bacteria that should have been in place to out-compete the invading species.


So i quit washing with soap. After some time the infection cleared with the use of the appropriate creams, where before it had doggedly hung on and even spread it's reign to satellite communities in other parts of my anatomy.


In the two years since the cessation of the soapy stuff, I have not contrary to your misguided reasoning, developed an odour. Unlike the bum mentioned I shower twice a day at a minimum, and don't sweat into an overcoat and piss-stained trousers for months on end.




It must be further noted the effect that a poor diet and lack of exercise contributes to negatively to body odour. But i'm sure someone else will pick this up.


:: --


As to shampoo and conditioner for the hair, i still do this once every 2-3 days. As given that I have long hair, dandruff would be an issue. I don't wet the hair when i'm not washing it as the hard water here crapifies the situation.


When i was in high school I stopped washing my hair altogether for a time so that i could generate rotlocks, the free version of dreadlocks. Swimming regularly in the sea was the only hair maintenance type thing that happened. Eventually i tired of having great knotty clumps of hair so over the course of a few mornings before school I pulled individual strands of hair that were attached to my head from the few clumps i'd decided to work off my head that day.


Once the job was completed i had a normal head of hair again, and on inspection the rotlocks were nothing more than great clumps of knotted hair. All completely odourless and free from the build up of detritus you might have expected. So after 10 months or more of zero socially legitimate washing, my hair was perfectly fine.




eneewae, iem oevr xis poest nao .. sorry that i got cranky at you joy, but come on, open your mind. ;-p

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Wow, there's nothing sexier than barely pubescent idm geeks with inadequate hygiene routines rebelling against the oppressive evil of soap manufacturers. By page 2 the precum had soaked right through my pyjamas. By page 3 I came so hard I nearly knocked myself out, gushing my glutinous man goo over my face, hair and monitor. However, I won't be clearing it up as the human body has a remarkable self cleaning function and within six months there will be no trace of my crusting face omelette.


water would clean your spunk though wouldn't it? Come on chaps this isn't that hard to grasp. No-one is talking about not washing.

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And even if you do use soap you still stink after the same length of time, whereapon a shower is then in order. Soap is useful for washing your hands when food prepping or whatever. It has it's place.





... also i find when i exercise for long enough that i can sweat myself odourless, intresting innit. Like when i went to see aphex/vibert at BDO a few years ago .. danced so much that day + didn't booze/drug just drank heaps of water, then afterwards my mates and i came away from a very fucking hot day smelling of nothing. was weird ... Although the salt in the sweat prob. kept things in check i spose.

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Guest ezkerraldean

"brown people always smell, they have a distinct smell about them"


- my girlfriend


Is this the nasty-tasting chick you licked?

lol no, keep that one quiet lol


neither girl is brown btw

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