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Avatar: The Squeakquel

Guest Fishtank

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Guest Fishtank

Hi Harry!


Don't know if this is newsworthy, but I just saw a Variety Screening Series showing of Avatar at the Arclight theater in Hollywood tonight, followed with a Q&A with James Cameron and two of his visual effects artists. One of the artists mentioned that they'll never again do this for the first time, meaning that everything they did in the making of Avatar was just a lot of instinctive grasping in the dark. Cameron agreed with him. He also told him to expect the studio to want another one, as they'd passed the billion $ mark. A second film will be easier, as the technology now exists, thanks to the movie. The moderator asked if there *would* be an Avatar sequel. To which Cameron answered that the plan had always been to make a trilogy of films. Finally, Cameron actually said it: "Yes, there'll be another."


As I said, I'm not sure how newsworthy this is, but thought I'd pass it on.


If you use this, please call me Marcel The Negro Projectionist

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The Guy in the wheelchair will have a baby with the blue chick from X-Men ..


The Baby will be a half-breed ..Half - Human Half Blue ..


The Baby will grow up to be an asshole and will betray the Tribe .. by bringing the Humans back to Pandora's box ..


The Blur people will win ..


The Half-breed asshole will go back to earth .. marry a human and have a baby ..


AVATAR 3 - The Half-Breed and his human wife will have another weird Baby .. Half-Human Half - Blue-Human Breed ..


This Baby will grow up and be an asshole like his father .. he will betray the Human race by bringing the Blue people to earth (Heritage is stronger than blood ) ..


The Saga ends with the Blue people taking over earth .. turning Humans into their slaves ..


The last shot will be Charlton Heston screaming at the Statue of Liberty ..

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Guest mrcopyandpaste

The Guy in the wheelchair will have a baby with the blue chick from X-Men ..


The Baby will be a half-breed ..Half - Human Half Blue ..


The Baby will grow up to be an asshole and will betray the Tribe .. by bringing the Humans back to Pandora's box ..


The Blur people will win ..


The Half-breed asshole will go back to earth .. marry a human and have a baby ..


AVATAR 3 - The Half-Breed and his human wife will have another weird Baby .. Half-Human Half - Blue-Human Breed ..


This Baby will grow up and be an asshole like his father .. he will betray the Human race by bringing the Blue people to earth (Heritage is stronger than blood ) ..


The Saga ends with the Blue people taking over earth .. turning Humans into their slaves ..


The last shot will be Charlton Heston screaming at the Statue of Liberty ..

idm post

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wtf with all the spoilers. I'm not even going to bother watching them now you ruined them, they sound awesome though.

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i don't know how i feel about him doing an Avatar trilogy, i wouldn't mind a single sequel. it could work. i like the idea of him making a purely nature documentary style movie about an alien planet.


has Cameron sold or shared his camera and 3d filmmaking techniques/technology with other filmmakers besides Peter Jackson and Spielberg for the upcoming Tin Tin movies? It makes me wonder how many movies will try to ride Avatar's coat tails in the next couple years and if any of them will be as well crafted.

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i like the idea of him making a purely nature documentary style movie about an alien planet.


Actually I think I would like that a lot as well... a heck of a lot more than Avatar anyway... didn't he do a documentary about sea life or something?

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Guest Ambassador Scoob

The entire plot of the story was involved with McWheelchairson becoming a tribe-dude. He's a tribe-dude now. I don't understand what driving factor is going to push the plot of any next movies. New threat comes to attack Pocahon- Er, Neytiri, or whatever her name is, and Jake has to summon more anti-capitalist armies? I dunno. The point being, don't fuck a good horse after you ride it, or it'll never ever be as good ever again.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

It's even worse than that because they always make anything profitable into a trilogy now without checking whether the second one is a turd. It's like riding a horse, getting a rhino to fuck it up the arse and then expecting it to ride a unicycle. or something.

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Also: what is it with composers and bullshit 'tribal ethnic' music. James Camron creates a whole new language for these guys to speak, and then you just go with the usual mundane shitty "soweto choir-meets-celtic-plus peruvian panpipe" music for them. Its like getting a horse to have babies with a rhino, creating a whole new breed of amazing creatures...and then fucking them all to the point of incontinence.

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Also: what is it with composers and bullshit 'tribal ethnic' music. James Camron creates a whole new language for these guys to speak, and then you just go with the usual mundane shitty "soweto choir-meets-celtic-plus peruvian panpipe" music for them. Its like getting a horse to have babies with a rhino, creating a whole new breed of amazing creatures...and then fucking them all to the point of incontinence.


this rather brutally sums up my exact thoughts on the score.


all that time and energy spent on making things seem alien and otherworldly, then the bongos and tribal chanting show up. goes from otherworldly to bushman documentary in two measures.

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The entire plot of the story was involved with McWheelchairson becoming a tribe-dude. He's a tribe-dude now. I don't understand what driving factor is going to push the plot of any next movies. New threat comes to attack Pocahon- Er, Neytiri, or whatever her name is, and Jake has to summon more anti-capitalist armies? I dunno. The point being, don't fuck a good horse after you ride it, or it'll never ever be as good ever again.

they don't care about the critical reception or what the audiences think though, all they care about is the money. making a trilogy of avatar films is guaranteed millions in their pockets, so it will happen. can you imagine someone making a good, successful film that reaps millions in the box office going "yeah we'll just leave it there"? No, this is hollywood. they aim to squeeze every last dollar out of you before moving on to the next big hit. you can't blame them though, it is a business after all. what can you do about it? simply don't watch it.


Normally I would agree with you about Hollywood and sequels, but you're missing something:


In the history of action movies, there are only TWO sequels that are, even arguably, better than the originals:


Aliens, and Terminator 2. And Cameron made both of those movies.


I challenge anyone to name any sequels that can hold a candle to those two.


Now, as for the question: What can possibly happen in an Avatar sequel story wise? ... you need to understand sci-fi conventions. In sci-fi, whatever the big idea is in the first book/film, you expand out the horizon in subsequent book/films to make it an even bigger idea. The big idea of Avatar is not blue aliens running around: Its



a planet that is a living conscious being.


And its part of a system of moons. Rumour is that the Avatar sequels might take place on different parts of the solar system Pandora is in. So perhaps Pandora is not the only special planet in that system.


Also, there are a lot of interesting plots you can build when you have something as powerful as a conscious planet in your movie:


- Pandora could engineer a virus to wipe out any humans that return (this idea was actually mentioned in Cameron's early Scriptment of Avatar, as a way for Pandora to stop the humans coming back in force)

- What would Pandora want to do about humans in the long term? Maybe plant something on them to try and turn Earth into a conscious planet too?

- Why are the Navi humanoid when everything else on Pandora has six legs? And why can they interface with the other wildlife? How about this: Pandora has been sitting listening to our radio and tv communications for hundreds of years, and deliberately manufactured the Na'vi to interact with us. Maybe it gave them false memories going back thousands of years...


That last idea, by the way, is from this excellent blog post: Making Avatar Make Sense


So, I don't think the sequels will be too bad. Cameron wouldn't be involved if they were just money-milking exercises - he'd license out the ideas, still get paid, and preserve his reputation. Basically, thats what he did with T3 and T4. If he's going to direct those sequels then he must have some next-level ideas that he wants to roll out.




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the score of Avatar was probably the weakest part about it, they missed the opportunity to make a truly memorable score ala Star Wars or even Jurassic Park. You don't have to be john williams to make a good movie score though, listen to Howard Shore's ring trilogy scores.

I wasn't expecting the music to sound truly alien, that would be too much to ask for, but i was expecting to come away from the film with a few of the themes in my head. I couldn't remember a single one, still can't.

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Guest Fishtank
I challenge anyone to name any sequels that can hold a candle to those two.


Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Kill Bill vol. 2, The Dark Night are a few I can think of


I think a sequel could be good as long as Cameron's at the helm

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

the score of Avatar was probably the weakest part about it, they missed the opportunity to make a truly memorable score ala Star Wars or even Jurassic Park. You don't have to be john williams to make a good movie score though, listen to Howard Shore's ring trilogy scores.

I wasn't expecting the music to sound truly alien, that would be too much to ask for, but i was expecting to come away from the film with a few of the themes in my head. I couldn't remember a single one, still can't.


would have been less cheesy and more intensely visceral immersed inside the experience without a score at all

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Guest Fishtank

I would have to agree about the score as well


would have been less cheesy and more intensely visceral immersed inside the experience without a score at all



ala No Country for Old Men

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