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Renting an apartment.

Guest FortyTwo

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Guest FortyTwo

Things have started getting tough at home, i won't go into much detail but lets just say it's come to a point where it's stupidly tense where anything can spark an arguement. So a couple of friends and i have decided to rent an apartment togethor, we're not making a hell of a lot of money but we have more than enough to get by on net income between the three of us.


What i want to know from you WATMMers is what we need to consider before taking the big step, hidden charges, catches, perks and so on. Just little things that can catch you out.

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Living with friends is dangerous, but it can work if you are the right type of people.


Try to find out how frequent break ins are to common areas and individual units. It's been my experience that some complexes are hotspots while others remain untouched.


Try to find out estimates of the utilities if they aren't included.


Try to find out if the place stays warm enough in the winter.


In other words, try to talk to residents before pulling the trigger.

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Living with friends will be fine and is vastly superior to living with people you aren't friends with (assuming your friends aren't dicks)


dont lease unless youre positive youll want to rent for the entire span.

be wary of noisy neighbors (can be hard to tell when you're just checking the place out)

be wary of nosy landlords (nothings worse then having some dick come nag you about shit when you're trying to kick it)

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Visit the neighborhood at night before committing. A building with cosistent noise outside at night can be cruel and unusual punishment. I'm a totally pussy like that, though.

Very good advice, I always do this. A place might seem cool during the day but could turn sketchy at night. And the noise thing.


Generally I would agree that moving in with friends is not a good idea, but this depends greatly on everyone involved. For me, it would be a bad idea.

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Have a cleaning rota if you want, but don't have a washing up rota. Have the simple rule of washing up as you go, and if someone cooks for the group, the others washup. If somebody can't keep to this then don't live with them, it's a good indication of their other habits.

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It's really difficult to say how it will all work out living with friends, as none of us here know anything about them. From my experience, I lived with my brother and his mate for almost a year, and I did not particularly enjoy it. Everyone eventually fell out over a multitude of different things such as:


- financial situations which may cause problems e.g if one is low on rent money to pay his/her proportion, things can get a little difficult. Obviously, there are many different financial problems a group of friends could encounter, not just this one - which could essentially lead to disputes

- depending on who has a boyfriend/girlfriend, problems could arise if a person brings their partner in the household and that partner of your friend does not contribute to any bills, and is basically taking the piss out of you all for coming over and eating your food without paying

- sharing food and deciding who cooks, and when to cook etc.. + household chores like cleaning could lead to disputes


I realise I'm stating the obvious, and worst-case scenarios here - but, after experiencing sharing a place with two other people of a similar age to me, I found that getting my own apartment at the end of it all was one of the best decisions I have ever made. My advise is, if you have any uncertainties about sharing of an apartment with friends, and you have enough money to support yourself = get your own, small apartment in town centre/city centre.

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Guest FortyTwo

Well i could negotiate it down to just me and one other friend, i could imagine that cutting the possible problems down quite significantly. I would opt to go it alone but i don't think im making enough to get by and still fund the other activities i like to upkeep.


Are there any hidden costs i should be looking out for?

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Guest Glass Plate

Another thing to ask about to previous renters is to make sure there isn't any type of infestation they might not choose to mention. (ie. beg bugs, roaches, rats, etc.) Some times people will not mention that, but will if you ask, because they're eager to rent etc.

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make sure you have contracts in place, that everyone agrees to do a fair share of chores. an easy one is 'clean up after yourself'


communication is very important, i had two friends move into an apartment with eachother...they eventually went insane and one kicked the other out over facebook

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Have a cleaning rota if you want, but don't have a washing up rota. Have the simple rule of washing up as you go, and if someone cooks for the group, the others washup. If somebody can't keep to this then don't live with them, it's a good indication of their other habits.

Definitely wise advise.


Get one of these




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i moved in with a friend of 11 years and when he discovered i accidentally downloaded some underage porn he stopped talking to me. i went to the police and everything to clear it all up, i'm no kiddie porn guy, but this friend was a right douche, considering he said he was my "friend". fuck that..

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