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Question: Is it possible to have a tattoo that doesn't make you look like a total dick. I was thinking the other day about if I ever were to get a tatoo what would I get - but I honestly couldn't think of anything that I'd want emblazoned on my arm forever ...

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Question: Is it possible to have a tattoo that doesn't make you look like a total dick. I was thinking the other day about if I ever were to get a tatoo what would I get - but I honestly couldn't think of anything that I'd want emblazoned on my arm forever ...

get "emblazoned" tattoo'd accross your abs in some gangsta font.

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I've always maintained that if you have to think about what you would want permanently embedded on your skin, then it probably isn't anything worth putting there. Considering how malleable and fluid human's lives are, putting something that perhaps in your 20's had significance/meaning to you, that later in your 50's or 60's would be irrelevant/embarrassing, is a prime example of why tattoos in general are a bad idea.

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putting something that perhaps in your 20's had significance/meaning to you, that later in your 50's or 60's would be irrelevant/embarrassing, is a prime example of why tattoos in general are a bad idea.

Well this was the thinking I had too, but I thought that maybe I was just being too conservative ....


I know there's a few tattooees (is that a word, Firefox doesn't think so) on this board, what was you thought process behind getting one ?

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Guest Gary C

I have yet to find anything I'd want tattooed on my body.


My stance, along with Joyrex's post too.


I have some respect for artistic tattoos, but they have to be done well and it can become a status of wealth and influence as to how good your tattoo is/who did it/how long it took.

I don't care for tribal or animal tattoos. For me to have a tattoo it would have to involve something eternal; like maths or science or something. But then it'd look gay to have a constellation on your arm, and I'm not really into chemistry.


I don't think I'll ever get a tattoo, and I'm halfway through my twenties so I'm passing the coolest age to have them done.

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i was just thinking, if i was on a 4 man bobsled team, and we won the gold medal, i would definitely get a big fuck off tattoo of our bobsled on our backs together. otherwise i cannot think of a reason to get a tattoo.

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Guest theSun

i always knew if i ever got a tattoo it would have to be meaningful and a message that i want to be reminded of every day.


i don't really understand decorative tattoos, i'd feel like such a schmuck. like when you get a new shirt it's pretty sweet but then it's just a shirt, unless you ripped it off rob brown's body or something.


my tattoo is like rob brown's shirt, ripped off his body and now i will hold and love it forever.

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ive considered a bar of music before, its my favourite chunk of music ever written, and every time i hear it it gives me goosebumps. i only worried about the actual aestethics of a bar of music though.

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