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Foals - Total Life Forever


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Guest Coalbucket PI

fuck yes. very anxious for their new album.

another foals fan on WATMM? i'm kind of surprised.


their new song is goood. not like the first album though..



Whoa that song was great, I think I just became a fan. That guy looks like an Adam Buxton character though.

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to be honest i don't really hear anything 'mathy' about them, besides a very obvious battles/ian williams influence in the guitar playing/looping/etc. though i've only heard this latest album, maybe i'll check out antidotes too, hmm.


Just saying what a friend stated.


Antidotes is pretty good. I'd call it a very consistent album.

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  • 4 months later...

to be honest i don't really hear anything 'mathy' about them, besides a very obvious battles/ian williams influence in the guitar playing/looping/etc. though i've only heard this latest album, maybe i'll check out antidotes too, hmm.

The first album is much more mathy than the 2nd. I think "indie math rock" sounds very accurate for Antidotes (even though math rock is technically indie rock already but because of what the term "indie" has turned into blah blah blah...).


I'm still getting into the Total Life Forever, only played it twice so far. But Antidotes hooked me right away.


going to see them tomorrow night. cant wait.

I might go Oct. 23.

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i feel the same exact way about the math oriented grooves of antidotes and that grabbed me right away as well. total life forever was a much slower burn but its so worth it. its a very mature and well thought out follow up that improves on almost every level. i say go see them, they are real good live

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holy shit they tore it up last night. sidewinder you must go. id go with you man, if it wasnt 3000 miles from here

:biggrin: Thanks for the "review", I'll definitely consider it more now. Really depends how broke I am at the time though. But the fact it's on a Saturday will help.

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sorry for the "review" im not good at them. here is the setlist if it helps. they pretty much just execute the songs perfectly. there is a small bit of jamming/improv but there should be much more imo. but they are really tight and sound amazing.



Blue Blood

Olympic Airways

Total Life Forever




After Glow

2 Trees

Spanish Sahara

Red Socks Pugie

Electric Bloom



The French Open

Two Steps, Twice

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Oh I wasn't complaining about your review, I only put it in quotes because it wasn't really a review but I didn't know what else to call it. "They tore it up", "execute the songs perfectly" and "they are really tight and sound amazing" are things I like to hear.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...
Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

really gotten into this album recently. heard it once when it came out and thought it was ok. then heard a song on the bcc6 recently and went back and listened again and loving it

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

lol these guys were on the nme cover recently. so i wrote them off as another pointless indie band. maybe i'll have a listen then


hella indie but i don't care

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i just listened to antidotes and it is really different. like !!! or battles. that sounds get old fast

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