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Foals - Total Life Forever


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fuck yes. very anxious for their new album.

another foals fan on WATMM? i'm kind of surprised.


their new song is goood. not like the first album though..




i read this album is slow and dark. i can def dig that. i saw them with a buddy of mine at maxwells in hoboken last year. we were drinking lots of jamesons. anyway, we ran into them outside after the show and ended up yapping with 3 of them for awhile. they were all very nice. we got on about autechre and all sorts of stuff. they are big fans of animal collective and confield. lol.

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i like what i've heard of them, but i was a bit put off by one of their video clips where they all looked like ian williams fanboys (ie. guitars slung really high, lots of don caballero style riffs).


i should probably get over it and check them out sometime, hehe.

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i like what i've heard of them, but i was a bit put off by one of their video clips where they all looked like ian williams fanboys (ie. guitars slung really high, lots of don caballero style riffs).


i should probably get over it and check them out sometime, hehe.



yea, just listen to antidotes in your car

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Another fan... seen them about four times live now. Got tickets booked for two gigs of the next tour :D


I'm thinking of ordering the 3-disc boxed set...

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  • 3 weeks later...

here is the correct album art (which is even worse than the other one, imo)







01 Blue Blood

02 Miami

03 Total Life Forever

04 Black Gold

05 Spanish Sahara

06 This Orient

07 Fugue

08 After Glow

09 Alabaster

10 Two Trees

11 What Remains



this has to leak soon damn it!



(sorry if you thought the bump was because of a leak)

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  • 2 weeks later...

is it good


i have to say i liked this band for about half an hour then it became apparent that they were pretty bad


the rapture fucccccccccccks them up


and if i want mathy dance music i'll listen to battles or something

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is it good


i have to say i liked this band for about half an hour then it became apparent that they were pretty bad


the rapture fucccccccccccks them up


and if i want mathy dance music i'll listen to battles or something



it's much less math rocky/dancy than antidotes. a lot of it is very chill and medium paced. still very rhythmic though. most of it is in the same vein as the spanish sahara song they released. i'm liking it a lot on first spin, but i loved loved loved antidotes so we are definitely on a different page as far as that goes.

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Absolutely awesome album, looking forward to my boxed set coming through the post in a few weeks time now.



it is really a great follow up. they didnt try to repeat antidotes and went in a very nice direction imo. the first half of the album is just bang bang bang, one after the next. im not as familiar with the back half of the record yet.


what's in the boxed set?

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Absolutely awesome album, looking forward to my boxed set coming through the post in a few weeks time now.

it is really a great follow up. they didnt try to repeat antidotes and went in a very nice direction imo. the first half of the album is just bang bang bang, one after the next. im not as familiar with the back half of the record yet.


what's in the boxed set?

Exactly, that's why it's so good - they've really managed to outdo Antidotes, which was already a very very good album, by miles.


In the boxed set, there's a bonus CD of demos and little loops that have gone towards the final album and a DVD of the making of the album pretty much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking forward to the release of this. I loved Antidotes when I first heard it, I often neglect it now for no reason really, it's really damn good.


From the two videos they have, I'll probably like their new album too. Raaadd

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  • 3 weeks later...

listened three times so far.


listen #1: yeah ok, a little bland, not quite as many amazing arpeggios as i expected

listen #2: hey this isn't too bad!

listen #3: holy shit this album is amazing!


so yeah, i'm getting into it quite a lot. they're playing here soon too, might go check them out if it doesn't sell out before i can get the money together.

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I'm on my fourth listen and I'm still not feeling anything.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

lol these guys were on the nme cover recently. so i wrote them off as another pointless indie band. maybe i'll have a listen then

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lol these guys were on the nme cover recently. so i wrote them off as another pointless indie band. maybe i'll have a listen then

yeah, they're pretty indie. the vocalist was the hardest part to get used to. kinda reminds me of a cross between thom yorke and the vocalist from junius, who is like a cross between ian curtis and robert smith, lol.

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lol these guys were on the nme cover recently. so i wrote them off as another pointless indie band. maybe i'll have a listen then

yeah, they're pretty indie. the vocalist was the hardest part to get used to. kinda reminds me of a cross between thom yorke and the vocalist from junius, who is like a cross between ian curtis and robert smith, lol.


I played Antidotes while my brother was around once and he thought they were similar to Modest Mouse in a way that made him enjoy the album. One of my friends called them "indie math rock."

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to be honest i don't really hear anything 'mathy' about them, besides a very obvious battles/ian williams influence in the guitar playing/looping/etc. though i've only heard this latest album, maybe i'll check out antidotes too, hmm.

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