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[NSFW] Girls+Robots in the same picture


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Chat Roulette is soon going to be an acceptable topic for PhD theses.


Just you wait.


Lol. I can well imagine a linguistics student doing a comparison of the use of discourse like between masterbaters and non-masterbators.

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Guest Adjective

images of hot girls is too universal to be celebrated in a specific category like IDM.

in the scenario presented by this thread, they are merely the robot's bacon.

if anything they distract from the IDMness of any situation.


now photographs of lonely, drug addicted, above ideal-weight, women with robots would be IDM. i could back that

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Guest abusivegeorge



aahhhh great big healthy 70's mound




Good lord I would love to tap that.


Also this thread definetly needs bumping! Love it, keep em coming.

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when they finally do make sex droids, it would be really cool if as you're fucking them they read you statistics on your penis length, girth, number and intensity of thrusts, duration, copiousness of ejaculate etc in a really sexy female voice. And then after you come she says "good job!" like the text on my elliptical machine when I finish a workout.

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I was moping to my housemate about girls+robots losing. (yes, I talk about watmm with my friends)


She said that it lost last year, and I shouldn't have tried whipping a dead horse.


But watmm, I want you all to know, that I whipped the hell out of that dead horse.

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