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Joyrex Lied


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Guest hahathhat

it's weird enough thinking of people masturbating while listening to music i made.


weirdly arousing.


pander to your audience. develop some innovations in the dynamics of masturbation

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The lol/post ratio must be above .75 after your first month, and if you keep it over 1.25 you get a free bj from joyrex at the end of a 6 month period

That's all the incentive I need, I'm on it.

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Guest Lube Saibot

If this thread has done one thing beside exemplify the sport of penis fencing it is that it's made me like BoxingDay a whole lot more.

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notice how embarrassingly unfunny he's been lately (Fred McCouples -- oh too lol my fred, soooo lolish!)! and of course LULZADI DO follows his tail like a cat slurping the bottom liquids trickling from a newly castrated trany dick. obviously! they are like the cooljockpops kids from hitherschools and we were listening to richard B james while they were cracking jokes that just made every last dumbass chuckle and that little tiny cum drop of satisfaction they received from this was enough to orient the rest of their lives. and think about it: Fred McCum is 45! LOLZHUI is fucking 50!!! lawyer! pathetic!


anyway, i'll tell you about the LTM forum, even though JOYWRECKS will be upset/angry with me:


first, you login. this requires 25 secure passwords. they must contain 89 letters, 4000,0000,0 numericals, and 75 questions re: your mother's maiden name (her name from when she was a maiden).


then, you login.


then, you click "LTMF" and fucking check out the newest threads.


[which person is there knocking my door?!?!?!?!?] <---side note


and then you PM all the guys like this for example:


ALCOFRIBISS: hey, FredGrif, what are you doing this week me and the missus will be in TX for a LTM event and we could stay over?


FREDXADO: yeah, brother. i love you. i love that my drum set, which i just got, is ready for your thick stick to bang it's skins!


ALCO: ok man.


then Joy-wrecks comes in and bitches like a fucking middle-aged fog hat about this and that (eg: my cum stinks, my daughters vag is too small, when does my wife blow you guys?)


then you click over to GENBAN and you're like, "OMG I"M BETTER THAN THIS."


at this point you have like 22 emails from RDJ


EXAMPLE: "hey ALCFRINASS, do you want to play beats on my latest funny/wow how did he do that realease?


and you laugh, b/c RDJ is such a fucking idiot


hey, asshole, i'm fred mccouples to pay tribute to freddy couples, a childhood hero of mine as he plays in the Masters this weekend. it's not supposed to be funny.

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Guest tht tne

honestly i don't want to wank over your cousin i just want in on a rolling lol that lasts more than 3 posts and/or isn't broken by maoam

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Guest Rambo

I enjoy the fragility of the rolling lol tbh. The broken lol is like our own mortality staring us in the face, reminding us to enjoy that sunset.

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