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Where's Brian Tregaskin ?

Guest Babar

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Guest Babar

He hasn't posted for a while now. His last post was like "i'm going through a crisis, everyone has to go through a crisis at on point in their live. That only adds to the fun".



*Adam's apple up*


*Adams' apple down*



I just hope it wasn't his last post.;.

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I hate when these things happen. We can only wonder... unless someone knows him personally. Hope he is alright.

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Guest Babar

i heard he's regularly lurking around the idm chatroom in soulseek. I tried to join the room a while back but it seemed like there was only two rooms on soulseek.

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Guest disparaissant

i heard he's regularly lurking around the idm chatroom in soulseek. I tried to join the room a while back but it seemed like there was only two rooms on soulseek.


you're prolly on the old servers, they switched servers a while back and i guess you need a new client for em.

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Guest Babar

Sometimes people loose their job or similair and stop posting because of the lack of time but it could also be worse...


| /......|








S _ _ _ _ _ E

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Guest Babar

2242 i think the port is


i think u just gotta change the port



You were right, my port were wrng. I'm there right now. thanks

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Guest Babar

He would never commit suicide!


nah his last topic's title was something like "I can't stand electronic music anymore". I think he's just getting through a musical crisis.

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It hasn't been that long. Maybe he just got bored with people being dicks on here. Sometimes this place is frustrating. He'll be back, they always come back to Richie :rdjgrin:

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yeah people who really leave just close the browser window silently and never look back


anybody who opens a topic about it still cares and comes back

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His channel on youtube is gone too. Babar I was thinking the same thing last week! His myspace hasn't been signed in on in since march :/


Imma get to the bottom of this.

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His channel on youtube is gone too. Babar I was thinking the same thing last week! His myspace hasn't been signed in on in since march :/


Imma get to the bottom of this.



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I used to chat with him regularly on soulseek, and he hasn't showed up in months. :(

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