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Where's Brian Tregaskin ?

Guest Babar

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Guest abusivegeorge

What do you know that we don't bubbha? Considering volume hasn't actually made a post yet and only joined 3 days ago. Spill the beans son, he's your dupe isn't he?

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Ferricrete is a mineral conglomerate consisting of surficial sand and gravel cemented into a hard mass by iron oxide derived from the oxidation of percolating solutions of iron salts. The word is derived from the combination of ferruginous and concrete.


Ferricrete is used widely in South Africa to create roads in rural areas. It is better known in these regions by its Afrikaans name "Koffieklip" (coffee stone). Other synonyms are ferruginous duricrust, hardpan, ironpan, laterite, ouklip Gravel or ngubane.


Ferricrete is also found in the United States in areas of the Gulf Coastal Plain and the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Ferricrete is also found in Western and remote Eastern areas of Australia.

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I always assumed Brian was Troon as they are quite similar in internets personality and Brian was all "mysterious" for the first while he was here. But I know the dupe detector on here is good so that's likely not the case.

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