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greatest hip hop samples of all time


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what is the criteria for whether or not a sample is hip?


think he meant "Hip Hop"


oh snap... i didn't realize til now!

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Fixed the title.

Nice find :)


they could have called it "the top 50 David Axelrod samples"...


So that's where Dre got that beat from...

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i love it when the samples sources are revealed. i have a couple of mixes that include the hip hop tracks and the tracks they sample from... but they're stuck in the HD of my broke down ibook.

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kraftwerk is one of my favorite groups of all time. i think they have a hand in the development of hip hop (although inderictly). but i fully understand kraftwerk being excluded from this top 50.

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Guest margaret thatcher

schooly d's psk break is the greatest thing that's ever been made.


i read somewhere that while recording psk, he triggered the drum machine/sampler with his feet while he rapped, all live onto tape. if so, he's the sickest bastard ever.

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