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Sorry if there's another thread like this. As far as I know, the mobile version of watmm doesn't have an option to search thread titles.


I've never gone hunting before. I guess I'm more of the fishing type. Someone was telling me the other day that when you make your first kill you are supposed to take the blood of the kill and wipe it all over your face.

That sounds kinda badass but I don't know if I could do the whole hunting thing unless my immediate survival depended on it.

Any hunters out there in watmm-land?


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Guest JW Modestburns

Sorry if there's another thread like this. As far as I know, the mobile version of watmm doesn't have an option to search thread titles.


I've never gone hunting before. I guess I'm more of the fishing type. Someone was telling me the other day that when you make your first kill you are supposed to take the blood of the kill and wipe it all over your face.

That sounds kinda badass but I don't know if I could do the whole hunting thing unless my immediate survival depended on it.

Any hunters out there in watmm-land?



sounds civilized.

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i wrangle my own cattle a lot


its kind of like hunting when you got a cow you really like so you let him into the woods for a couple days and then go in for the hunt. Just to sort of give him a chance to escape. Like in the stranger.

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Guest aron

i got a ride from this weird hippie girl the other week and she was talking about slaughtering a llama and feeding it (in burger form) to her "family" back on the "farm".

also, i almost killed a gopher by accident whilst drunkenly throwing knives around.

it was snowing.

but not for long.

our journey was full of twists and turns.

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Yeah. Like painting your face, wearing camouflage and hiding in a tree somewhere. That shit sounds awesome.

I woud rather just try to grab the animal, wrestle it to the ground and let in run off after you made it look like a pussy.

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i killed a seagull once with a slingshot and i felt very bad.


in high school someone threw a field corner marker from gym class and impaled a seagull

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As much as I love guns and as much as WATMM wants to paint me as a serial killer, I have no desire to bring down an animal. If I needed to eat, I could do it, but I would not enjoy the kill beyond the thought of "I won't starve to death, this time..."

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When I worked for the Fish & Wildlife Service as an intern, they sent me to this island where I thought I was going to be, basically, surveying the number of gull nests. Instead, they gave me a stick with a nail at the end of it and told me to start poking eggs.


Three thousand gull eggs on that island, Chief. Took about two seconds an egg. Didn't see the first parent gull for about a thirty seconds. Very next nest though, Chief, gulls come cruisin.' So we formed ourselves into tight groups. You know, it was kinda like old squares in the battle like you see in the calendar named "The Battle of Waterloo" and the idea was: gull comes to the nearest intern, that intern he starts poundin' and hollerin' and screamin' and sometimes the gull go away... but sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that gull he looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know, the thing about a gull... he's got kinda creepy eyes. Yellow eyes. Like a cat's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites ya, and those yellow eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin' (from the gull, because you're killing its fucking babies). Your boots turns red, and despite all the poundin' and the hollerin', they all come in and they... shit all over you to get you to leave the nests alone. You know by the end of that first day, lost three pairs of foul weather gear.


I'll never kill another animal again, unless my survival depends on it.

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I had to recontextualize that as a Jaws spoof, because the actual day is too terrible to think about directly. Fuck, it ate right through me. Seriously.

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