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how do you think you'll die?

Rubin Farr

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my deathclock said 2043. fuck that shit i'll only be 66. i'm never going to die anyway, by the time i'm 50 odd there will be amazing advances in medicine and cosmetic surgery enabling everyone to live for as long as they want. at least that's what i'm hoping.

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Ill live to an old enough age, like 75 or something. Then I be really pissed cause I realise Im so old. Have a death wish and start doing crazy shit like sky diving until I die.

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Guest ruiagnelo

This is such a bad thread to come up with. Death will come anyway, to anyone, whenever it feels like coming, so why bother? Enjoy the present.

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Guest taxman

heart attack, unless something else gets me first


it's pretty much a sure thing, the only question is when. genetics are a bitch.

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Guest ruiagnelo

Death isn't a present imo


I didn't say death is a present.

I said "Enjoy the present [time]"

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Guest uptown devil

i fall backwards off some bleachers and the impact with ground causes me to choke on my hotdog

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Guest all_purpose_sandpaper

hopefully in my sleep like my grandad

not shitting themselves and screaming

like the passengers in the bus he drove


I laughed.

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Guest abusivegeorge

well diabetes is going to get me eventually, it's not an if, it is a when.








This is such a bad thread to come up with. Death will come anyway, to anyone, whenever it feels like coming, so why bother? Enjoy the present.



Death isn't a present imo



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Guest umop_apisdn

i'll likely go from a venomous snakebite (legitimate snakebite - meaning not a snake i'm handling), i've actually thought about it and in certain cases i might not seek medical help, i just might accept it and go painfully, yet peacefully.


otherwise, i'll likely die from lung cancer because i love smoking.

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Guest Funktion

i will probably die in an amusing and ironic way that would be funy to read about on an electronic music forum

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Everyone on my mom's side of my family is moley as fuck, and I inherited that. Everyone on my dad's side of the family in his generation has had melanoma. So, yeah. . . nice breeding program mom and daaaad! :whistling:


On second thought, I live in LA, near Chinatown, so I'm probably just going to get clipped by an exceedingly large SUV driving backwards and the wrong way on a one-way street, with a 56 year old Chinese woman behind the wheel doing her makeup and a word puzzle while yelling at her adult children on her cellphone. Probably.

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On second thought, I live in LA, near Chinatown

Are you one of these young'ns I see gentrifying the Lincoln Heights area?


Nah, my little pocket near Olvera Street and Chinatown hasn't been too gentrified yet. Give it another 6 months.

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