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Upcoming Superhero Movies

Rubin Farr

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Guest Z_B_Z

on an alan moore note, i definitely share his current views on hollywood/superheroes -


There are three or four companies now that exist for the sole purpose of creating not comics, but storyboards for films. It may be true that the only reason the comic book industry now exists is for this purpose, to create characters for movies, board games and other types of merchandise. Comics are just a sort of pumpkin patch growing franchises that might be profitable for the ailing movie industry.



I’ve come to the conclusion that what superheroes might be — in their current incarnation, at least — is a symbol of American reluctance to involve themselves in any kind of conflict without massive tactical superiority. I think this is the same whether you have the advantage of carpet bombing from altitude or if you come from the planet Krypton as a baby and have increased powers in Earth’s lower gravity. That’s not what superheroes meant to me when I was a kid. To me, they represented a wellspring of the imagination. Superman had a dog in a cape! He had a city in a bottle! It was wonderful stuff for a seven-year-old boy to think about. But I suspect that a lot of superheroes now are basically about the unfair fight. You know: people wouldn’t bully me if I could turn into the Hulk.


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Guest Wall Bird

Thor has never interested me. The movie therefore did not register any significance on my radar until I heard Kenneth Branagh directed it. Now I have no choice but to see it, despite the unappealing production stills. The moral of this paragraph is that Kenneth Branagh is the man.

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that captain america looks cool.





i found the spiderman movies lame


another xmen movie.... but better, xmen movies have so much potential... maybe it's just not possible to recreate these comics well

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Anyone got any time for Daredevil? I did stop reading when Brian Bendis' run had finished (just because I gave up my job and couldn't afford comics any more). Pretty much every issue by Bendis and Alex Maleev was amazing. Frank Miller's Elektra runs and Born Again were awesome too. It really hurt that the film was such an unmitigated pile of wank.

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Guest tht tne

sandman movie plz... also there's supposed to be a kabuki movie with david mack at the helm but it's in development hell :facepalm:

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i could see them very badly fucking up and barfing out a Sandman movie. The only other Vertigo character to get big movie treatment that i know of was Constantine (aka Hellblazer) but the shit was atrocious. They took everything neat out of the comic book and did a very cut and dry representation of the character.

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Guest tht tne

i could see them very badly fucking up and barfing out a Sandman movie. The only other Vertigo character to get big movie treatment that i know of was Constantine (aka Hellblazer) but the shit was atrocious. They took everything neat out of the comic book and did a very cut and dry representation of the character.


i had never read hellblazer before seeing constantine but the only thing i really liked about that movie was tilda swinton... keanu reeves <> good

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I'm looking forward to the new Sin City and Batman. I still haven't seen Iron Man 2... Thor and The Green Lantern don't interest me as much as I never really got into those two. Still haven't seen the newer of the modern Hulk films either, although I heard the one with Ed Norton was decent.


Being a big fan of the comic series I'd really love to see them give a re=attempt at bringing Spawn to film again. The first film in the 90's was decent but definitely flawed. However I think with CGI as advanced as it is, and if they didn't try to water it down to a PG-13 audience like the first one does (it definitely needs to be R to do it justice), and some story-arch re-working it could definitely become an impressive franchise competing with the Marvel and DC movie hits, and also appealing to a little older crowd.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

only thing I'm not sure of is the actor actually playing Thor, the trailer kinda made it seem iffy to me if he would nail the role, everything else about the trailer seemed alright

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yeah i mean i'm definitely not sold on most of the marvel universe movies. none of them have lived up to Spiderman or Batman Begins, not even close. And honestly those films weren't even that good, they just hit the mark right.

we'll see how it plays out. So far Thor seems to be the most ambitious. Although i am a little excited at Joss Whedon doing Avengers, he at least knows how to write a good script.

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Guest Gary C

Yeah, Sin City 2 and the final Batman are the only comic book films on the horizon that should actually appease me. Scott Pilgrim looks good, but Thor looks silly and I'm sure Captain America will make me facepalm a few times.

If The Avengers isn't 2 hours of pure comic book action I'll be disappointed. They've had 4.5 films to set-up the plot. Just make it a 2-hour visual ejaculation, please.


Comic book films are on their last legs in my opinion. The good ones have all been done (most basly), and a Justice League mash-up won't happen for another 10 years until they can get Bale out of everyone's mind as Batman.


I wouldn't mind a decent Silver Surfer film. But to be honest, I don't expect much of these films anymore and I'd rather not be annoyed by another shitty adaptation.

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as bad as i think Mr Reynolds is, this looks hard to top as far as hollywood CGI fest alien movies are concerned


some of looks like if the creators of Avatar were encouraged to take psychedelics during the production

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