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mitch murder - burning chrome


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yeah, what's up with that? i tried to change it but it wouldn't let me.


edit: "Your video, MITCH MURDER // BURNING CHROME PROMO VIDEO , may include content that is owned or administered by these entities: Warner Bros. Entertainment."



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loving all of your stuff. can't wait for this. you've heard dr c stein haven't you? oh and that guy who recently told you to change your name to something more happy 80s was so wrong. i think it fits the cold disco vibes perfectly

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what's with the hate thnhtnhhe? i don't even know who you are, but i don't go into your threads and shit all over your tracks. im all for construcive criticism, but this is the second time you've gone into one of my threads just to tell me how useless it is, and i suspect you're behind the rating aswell, kindly fuck the fuck off.

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no, you suck, i don't suck, you do. wanna keep going?


why do you feel the need to tell me anyway? i've heard lots of in my opinion shitty music on watmm, but i don't go around telling people it's shite. stop acting like a bag of dicks for no reason. or don't, your behaviour is quite interesting to me. what will you come up with next?

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I for one like your music. It is like a hoverboard liferaft in WATMM's sea of mostly lifeless 808 blips & analog squelches.


On another note, have you ever thought of experimenting with vocals? I think it would suit your style quite well.

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i've thought about that, but never been bothered to try it out, since i can't imagine me being any good at writing lyrics, and as for the actual singing, well, no ..i'd have to find someone willing to do it for me. would be fun though.

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this sounds great :music:


i think vocals might detract a bit from the versatility of these tunes and be hard to pull off in a way that doesn't suck. as instrumentals though they work really well (what i've heard anyway). you've got this style down.

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Guest cult fiction

I downloaded your Television EP on a whim a few weeks ago and have been loving it. Looking forward to this! Have you ever sent your stuff to Ed DMX? It seems like you'd be perfect for Breakin'.

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Guest tht tne

i just can't believe there are people who enjoy either making or listening to this crap... i thought we all got over this stuff in the 80s... it's 2010 plz

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I've thought about that, but never been bothered to try it out, since i can't imagine me being any good at writing lyrics


You can learn how the craft works from books (try Sheila Davis's The Craft of Lyric Writing), and then practice for a few years, and you'll eventually get really good, just as with anything else. But it's only worth it if you already want to do it or feel your music would benefit from it.


As for the actual singing, well, no ..i'd have to find someone willing to do it for me. would be fun though.


Depending on how much your day job rakes in, you can always look into paying a session singer. I've done that and was more than happy with the results.

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i can get behind tht tne, all this nostalgia-corewave revival business is incredibly lame. it's not really your music, you're just working within a clearly defined template, and its not even yours, its one of the worst things for a musician to do i think.

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^I can see where you're coming from, but I think I'd rather hear a really good aping of 80s techno than a poor attempt at mimicking modern analog acid/dubstep/whatever that a lot of internet musicians seem to be interested in. Of course the best thing is when someone makes something that's both good & totally different, but that doesn't mean I think everyone should force themselves to be experimentalists.

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