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Sucker Punch (2011) - trailer

Rubin Farr

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yes. this is what this guy should stick to, completely over the top action and anime influences. i loved Watchmen, but he needs to do more original work and less adaptations.



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Guest GrandPopPoplock

The movie looks fucking amazing . The only thing I fear is bad acting , other than that...I'm all for it .

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I dont gather what the story is at all from that but at the same time I almost didn't care... Samurais, dragons, robots, and gangsters? looks pretty sweet

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  • 3 months later...

is that the girl from donnie darko?


Looks okay, the image attached is the part that sold me.


edit: just the read the premise on wiki:

"In February 2009, Snyder released a short synopsis of Sucker Punch which states: "Set in the 1950s, it tells the story of Baby Doll (Browning), who is trying to hide from the pain caused by her evil stepfather and lobotomy. She ends up in mental institution in Brattleboro, Vermont, and while there she starts to imagine an alternate reality. She plans to escape from that imaginary world but to do that she needs to steal five objects before she is captured by an unknown adversary. She has 5 days to escape before being lobotomized. In order to cope with the situation, she enters the hyper-real world of her imagination, and the lines between reality and dream begin to blur. She is joined with friends who are inmates from the institution. Lessons learned in the said fantasy world could help the girls escape their real-world fate.""


Thats pretty awesome

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fuuuuuuuuuuck yeah!!!!



Thanks man!


This was the soundtrack of my morning car pool to high-school. Memories.

How strange that is showing up fifteen years later in a trailer for a Zack Snyder movie.

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hehehe, yeah looks a little fictional...



crazy chicks hallucinating fantasy worlds where they kick Samurai, Cyborg and Dragon ass, yeah.....








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I reckon Sucker Punch will bomb. Zack Snyder is pushing it a bit to be honest.. the general public won't be so sold on this.


Still it looks like a laugh so I think I'll check it out.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I will definitely see this even though the acting in the trailers hasn't impressed me at all it looks fun... & all the girls appear to be smoldering fucking hot.

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