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No more Tities for Ipad

Boxing Day

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Guest Coalbucket PI

don't care


just cause watmm is full of people who've grown up socially inept and desensitized to internet porn doesn't mean everyone has to go that road

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don't care


just cause watmm is full of people who've grown up socially inept and desensitized to internet porn doesn't mean everyone has to go that road


Yes instead of parents lets have Steve Jobs raise our children. We can have a generation full of uneducated sexually frustrated business tycoons.

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you do realise the thing has an internet browser right? Perhaps you might use that to find out there are websites like mobileboner.com?

Last, but certainly not least, you know you don't actually have to buy one?

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you do realise the thing has an internet browser right? Perhaps you might use that to find out there are websites like mobileboner.com?

Last, but certainly not least, you know you don't actually have to buy one?


Just saying......I would never actually buy one.

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The Sun is an outstanding source of news and information. Thanks to their excellent journalism, I recently found out that Noah's Ark has been found in eastern Turkey (they're 99.9% sure it's the one!).



That said, Apple can go to hell with their antiboob policy.



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Guest bundle of sticks

no titties? i'm glad i jumped ship!


Holy shit, did you actually go from apple to pc? Thats weird.



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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

hipsters can have their macs all they want.. and I will be looking at a titty while using miles of pirated software on a PC I built for myself at an incredibly reason price

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no titties? i'm glad i jumped ship!


Holy shit, did you actually go from apple to pc? Thats weird.


why is that so weird? i do the exact same thing only now on a less expensive pc.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

and you will enjoy endless hours fucking around with security and malware bullshit


uhh your making these outrageous claim's like I just bought my first PC and have no idea what they are like..... I have been using PC's almost everyday for approximately 13 years and have never had a virus cause anywhere close to any major problems while using a few different free anti virus securities with no hassle.


If it was worth it to spend at least twice the amount of money on a mac I would. Creating music is without a doubt the most important thing in my life. If PC's really were as fragile, virus plagued and insecure as all these mac fag hipsters like to say than I know I certainly wouldn't have spent thousands of hours recording my preciously important to me songs on them.

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a mac-using buddy of mine keeps asking me for links to free VSTs and the majority of the time when I link him to something he comes back with "I don't think this works on macs." :nelson:

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and you will enjoy endless hours fucking around with security and malware bullshit


What a retard. I built my Windows 7 PC last year and not once have I had to spend a minute "fucking around with security and malware bullshit".


What kind of a person concerns themselves with the rivalry of two corporations? A person who doesn't have a fucking life that's who.

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let me reiterate and say that i am by no means a mac hater. i've used macs at home and work for the past 12 years and they've been good to me. i came across some financial hardship in the past year and my ibook took a crap on me so instead of spending money on a macbook pro, we bought 2 pc laptops (toshiba satellite for me and a sony viao netbook for the misses). we found them very simple to use (i do use pc at work on occasion and my wife has one in her office) so the transition was very quite simple for us. We find so far the that we can do more and get more for what we need on a pc than on mac. my wife is still wanting to get a mac.


i do still have a fully operational imac at home that i solely use for music and occasional designing since i've downloaded so many fonts throughout the years.

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i don't think i've had a virus or malware or whatever since windows 98, and i never ever bother with firewalls or anti virus programs except the default windows ones.

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