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God did not create the Universe


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i very much agree about space colonization. i think that is the important part of his statement. god's existence is something that i'm not interested in at the moment.


humanity already has the ability to destroy itself hundreds of times over, so it's probably a good idea to expand beyond this planet so if/when the nukes fly, part of us will still survive.


If we were a rational species, space colonisation would be our number one priority above all else, even if it meant every other area of progress suffered.

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i very much agree about space colonization. i think that is the important part of his statement. god's existence is something that i'm not interested in at the moment.


humanity already has the ability to destroy itself hundreds of times over, so it's probably a good idea to expand beyond this planet so if/when the nukes fly, part of us will still survive.


If we were a rational species, space colonisation would be our number one priority above all else, even if it meant every other area of progress suffered.


it's not the majority of our Species fault, tho. most people are pretty rational and decent, deep down, imo.

but do you think the governments of this world give a flying fuck about us? - the little people.

aslong as we pay our taxes and STFU, they're laughing.

there are probably people working on the idea as we speak. but will we ever get a look in? - will we fuck.

how much was Richard Branson going to be charging for short trips into Space? up out of the atmosphere briefly then drop back down again..

it was well over a million quid. so think how much a ticket to another Planet would be!!

only very rich cunts will ever get to be a part of anything like that.

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i very much agree about space colonization. i think that is the important part of his statement. god's existence is something that i'm not interested in at the moment.


humanity already has the ability to destroy itself hundreds of times over, so it's probably a good idea to expand beyond this planet so if/when the nukes fly, part of us will still survive.


If we were a rational species, space colonisation would be our number one priority above all else, even if it meant every other area of progress suffered.


it's not the majority of our Species fault, tho. most people are pretty rational and decent, deep down, imo.

but do you think the governments of this world give a flying fuck about us? - the little people.

aslong as we pay our taxes and STFU, they're laughing.

there are probably people working on the idea as we speak. but will we ever get a look in? - will we fuck.

how much was Richard Branson going to be charging for short trips into Space? up out of the atmosphere briefly then drop back down again..

it was well over a million quid. so think how much a ticket to another Planet would be!!

only very rich cunts will ever get to be a part of anything like that.


That's the thing though, it wouldn't be like a holiday that you pay for, it would be a permanent settlement that didn't have to pay to go. Neil Armstrong didn't have to personally pay to go to the moon. Survival of the human race is fairly fundamental and this is the number 1 thing we can do towards that goal. And even if it was available to extremely rich people that'd be just fine, the point is that this goes beyond any ideas we might have about people deserving to go and who gets to go. It's far more important than that. If only absolute cunts got to go that'd still be a win because it's about survival of the human race.

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He may well be right, but I don't get how gravity playing a role in the big bang + there being another planet like Earth is relevant to the argument. Those are completely unrelated to anything regarding a divine creator. All it means is that if there were a divine creator it would have created those things too. Sorry to point out the obvious... just felt like someone should mention it. (I'm not arguing in support of there being a divine creator if anyone's wondering.)

But yes, space colonization all the way! I think we'll have a hard time fucking up all of space like we have the earth. Even man isn't THAT destructive. Whether we can cooperate long enough to get there is another matter.

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i very much agree about space colonization. i think that is the important part of his statement. god's existence is something that i'm not interested in at the moment.


humanity already has the ability to destroy itself hundreds of times over, so it's probably a good idea to expand beyond this planet so if/when the nukes fly, part of us will still survive.


If we were a rational species, space colonisation would be our number one priority above all else, even if it meant every other area of progress suffered.


it's not the majority of our Species fault, tho. most people are pretty rational and decent, deep down, imo.

but do you think the governments of this world give a flying fuck about us? - the little people.

aslong as we pay our taxes and STFU, they're laughing.

there are probably people working on the idea as we speak. but will we ever get a look in? - will we fuck.

how much was Richard Branson going to be charging for short trips into Space? up out of the atmosphere briefly then drop back down again..

it was well over a million quid. so think how much a ticket to another Planet would be!!

only very rich cunts will ever get to be a part of anything like that.


That's the thing though, it wouldn't be like a holiday that you pay for, it would be a permanent settlement that didn't have to pay to go. Neil Armstrong didn't have to personally pay to go to the moon. Survival of the human race is fairly fundamental and this is the number 1 thing we can do towards that goal. And even if it was available to extremely rich people that'd be just fine, the point is that this goes beyond any ideas we might have about people deserving to go and who gets to go. It's far more important than that. If only absolute cunts got to go that'd still be a win because it's about survival of the human race.


a race of rich cunts.. living for today and fuck everybody else. destroying another planet for their own gain.

great. kill them all now! and use their money for better things!

they will only fuck up another planet just like they've fucked up this one.

it's no answer to flee this place and do the same to the next one!

we need to sort our shit out here now before we can go anywhere else......

but imo, that will never happen. the fat cats rule everything. they'll kill ourselves before we set foot on another planet.

sorry. sad but true. :(


send australians



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i think the idea that aliens would be dangerous is beyond stupid. maybe i'm wrong, but i would think that any race intelligent enough to traverse the universe would be smart enough to respect any and all forms of life. this highly evolved being - - - actually i don't really know.


well i do think that all human earthlings must be cleansed of their stupidity and collective stupidity etc before earth in general progresses towards anything new.

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a race of rich cunts.. living for today and fuck everybody else. destroying another planet for their own gain.

great. kill them all now! and use their money for better things!

they will only fuck up another planet just like they've fucked up this one.

it's no answer to flee this place and do the same to the next one!

we need to sort our shit out here now before we can go anywhere else......

but imo, that will never happen. the fat cats rule everything. they'll kill ourselves before we set foot on another planet.

sorry. sad but true. :(



Need a some kotex for that bleeding heart? Once we have the technology capable of terraforming other planets or interstellar travel we've earned every right to occupy any planet we wish. the galaxy is limitless on a human scale, much less the universe. You hippies can sit around and pretend like you can make everything perfect until the next mass extinction, i'm goin to mars bitches-- Eatin moon cake!

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all human earthlings must be cleansed of their stupidity and collective stupidity etc before earth in general progresses towards anything new.



i agree, but "cleansed" isn't the right word.


more like, educated.


of course some ppl will never get it, like the wrestler above.. lol... but we should keep trying anyway.

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Stephen Hawking doesn't eat red meat.


Stephen Hawking is a vegetarian.


Stephen Hawking is by the by....


this shit is real anyway.

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I find it fascinating that people actually care about the survival of pur species. i mean, we're talking long long term here, why would you care?


because people like you don't.



it's not long, long term anyway. look at the rate technology is expanding. we could be colonizing within the next 30-40 years.

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I find it fascinating that people actually care about the survival of pur species. i mean, we're talking long long term here, why would you care?


isn't that obvious?

if you have kids, or your siblings do, that's your family's dna..... passed on, living, evolving in someone....... wanting to survive.... and evolve.

to create more variants of all of you and your ancestors.


LOL @ it's fascinating that people care !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG

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