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September 11 2001 Conspiracy Thread

Guest Helper ET

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9/11 never happened


there was no second tuesday in September that year


in fact 2001 was skipped altogether


there was never a WTC


the Pentagon always had that gaping, smoking hole in it


there is no such place as "the Middle East"


George W Bush was a hologram and/or evil inter-dimensional squid demon


oil has been obsolete for decades; everything is run on bio-energy harvested from citizens' hyper-caloricized bodies through their televisions


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Guest nene multiple assgasms

everyone who believes the conspiracy theorists' theory: where did your information come from?


enough said


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It's incredible how few people seem to know the truth behind the events of 9-11. It was a Mythbusters season finale intended to answer conclusively whether steel framed buildings could collapse due to airplane impact. Myth Confirmed!

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here are my thoughts on this. if the government wanted to hijack their own planes why would they crash it into the pentagon? ok then also why would they be against muslims? i think jewish people want everyone to hate the muslims so that they'll just let us kill them.


muslims are stinky and jews are wealthy. so who the fuck cares if anybody is dying in israel?


regarding the attacks on 9/11 - it's very sad. one might say it was the greatest work of art, ever. kill all the rich white folks, watch them jump and hit the ground. sounds like some "jewish" people are going to get pretty mad when the truth comes out!



last but not least, conspiracy. i don't think we can be too sure about any explanation.


as carlin said in response to a question regarding 9/11 conspiracy theories:


(something like): "i don't know about that but you have to remember that often the most well regarded truths are completely false"

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well, islam is huge. christian west may want to assert their authority over the human race.


i dont fucking know what im talking about, im playing the devils advocate and i fuck jesus satan on my cock.

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everyone who believes the conspiracy theorists' theory: where did your information come from?


enough said


All I'm saying is if you make your judgment based on what you've been spoon fed by mainstream news (who do not hire scientists to investigate such incidents, and they generally have a political motive behind reporting anyway), then you're bound to feel accustomed to the mainstream theory thus meaning that you probably won't carry out your own investigations into evidence on the matter - which also means that to a degree, you have an uneducated opinion on the incident itself compared to another person who may have put in more hours of research. Simply relying on your news network to confirm the answer is not good enough really.

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the 9/11 conspiracy theory movement is more than just another theory! it is about pride and having a good time. people think it's a bunch of crazy people, well guess what? we're partying out here



anybody ever do the secret handshake where one person uses their arms as the twin towers and the other person uses their hands as airplanes? i recall people doing that in highschool


that said it really is a sad thing. watching footage of the event is one of the most incredible/overwhelming experiences you can have.

real shit


%100 based


anyway, get paid. you know cheney did after these "terrorist attacks."


just kidding, i don't know/care who did it. i just want to watch it all happen, that's the most we can do!

that and save the environment/earth

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Oh the things I could tell you with the illuminati/WATMM moderator link. But then I'd have to kill you.



Hipsters did it

cause being a dickead

's cool




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best 9/11 'conspiracy' book - Crossing the Rubicon by Mike Ruppert - http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/011805_simplify_case.shtml

best 9/11 'conspiracy' movie - 9/11 press for truth


best 9/11 'conspiracy' website - History commons 9/11 timeline - http://www.historycommons.org/project.jsp?project=911_project




history fail.


what the fuck are you on about?

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the "war on terror" has been going on for the best part of 60 years. But yeah sure it's all just a big conspiracy because some anti war guy who hates Dick Cheney told me in his book via a series of questionable speculative theories.



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interesting facts that are not conspiracies or speculation



- 2 of the hijackers lived at a naval air base in florida

- 1 of the hijackers went to school at US intelligence school called 'the defense language institute'

- we were performing multiple fake hijacking drills on the morning of 9/11 involving the FAA, Norad and Rudy Giuliani himself

- building 7 was announced as having collapsed by 2 news channels 45 minutes before collapsing

- donald rumsfeld signed an order 2 months before 9/11 that said that norad and other air defense had to get explicit permission from the vice president or secretary of defense to shoot down a hijacked or errant aircraft

- there were explicit war plans for the invasion of Afghanistan 6 months before 9/11

- there were helicopter missle attacks happening on the day of 9/11 in afghanistan against the taliban, to this day the US has claimed no involvement.

- Colin Powell promised to provide evidence of Bin Laden's involvement on 9/11, he never provided such evidence.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

i found this to be informative



though it will never be taken seriously and is still dry as hell even as a graphic novel


lets face the truth...its a fantasy to think that any one or group of people can control/change the world. its just a massive clusterfuck of people who try (90% of the time wildly unsuccessfully) and then ride out the repercussions. even castro just said communism is a failed economic model. show me the group who has it right...oh yeah theyre super secret invisible inter-dimensional lizard men hierophants... :facepalm:

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the problem is both viewpoints often seem to be knee jerking against each other,


i prefer to take the middle ground, that the 9/11 commission report is clearly a coverup and that there was never a true investigation. There were ample opportunities by countless officials in the administration to stop the attacks.


there is a difference between speculating about lizard men or nefarious new world order involvement and actually laying out factual inconsistencies and huge gaping holes in the official explanation. I speculate about it often but there is a distinct difference and the two should not be confused. they often are by lazy people


Re: scrambled ears: both keane and hamilton admit since the release of the report that they were lied to and blocked at many attempts to get information during their 'investigation' if you want to see how good of a job they did look no further than this condoleezza rice interview. This is actually probably the closest they got to uncovering something, unfortunately she wastes their time and lets it run about before finding out anything vital




in my strong opinion it was far worse than incompetence that caused the attacks to happen, at the very least it was negligent homicide.

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Does any admin agree with me if I post this little pic t_closed.png everyone is just going round and a round and a round.


Let's just remember those people that died that day insted of crying over spilt milk, One day the truth will come out and we can only hope for it sooner rather than later.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

the problem is both viewpoints often seem to be knee jerking against each other,


i prefer to take the middle ground, that the 9/11 commission report is clearly a coverup and that there was never a true investigation. There were ample opportunities by countless officials in the administration to stop the attacks.

i admit that the report has as many holes as they claimed our intelligence infrastructure to have by why do you believe it is clearly a coverup?

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