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Guest fiznuthian

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i messed my save game up and lost like two days of work. i was trying to use my map for multiplayer when the original file was mysteriously deleted and only the weird multiplayer file that spawned incorrectly was left. fml.

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why would you want to explore the world? It takes up loads of memory and its all the same


There's a degree of imagination and creativity that has to supplement this game in order to make it fun. Walking around and exploring the islands forests and natural formations above and below ground is pretty entertaining. If you can't suspend your disbelief and do a little pretending, i'd assume this game won't hold your interest. It's not a game which lays out paintstakingly designed worlds for you to run around hacking epic demons in visceral cinematic quality. To a great degree, the variety and design of the environments you encounter relies mostly on you building them!


Also, who cares about how much effing memory the game takes up? Are you doing important photoshop work while you play minecraft? do you only have 1 gig of memory?

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on a related note (from kokoon's link about the new patch)


The surface world will also get a lot more interesting: the game will now generate snowy stretches, desert areas, forests and other climate regions all in the same world. It should make exploration even more exciting than in the uniform worlds we have right now.
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see i like the concept, humans have always cherished the idea of moving to virgin territory and making what they will of the land, Just look at Sim City, or the US western migrations. And i'm not a fan of lame premade virtual worlds like second life. See where i'm going here ?

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Minecraft could be as advanced graphically as some Risen and would be awesome. Imagine digging a hole with all physics and 1600x1200 graphics and detailed world where things work and its all wild and stuff... *cums

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You could harness the wind and water to make power. maybe even tie fish up to drive your canal barges forward. Ahh the possibilities.


Just burrowing would make me busy for quite a while.


I wonder when such a game will be produced. It's gonna happen, but I wonder... It might have to happen as a open code project that would enable lots of programmers working together for little or no money, because it sounds as too risky a project.

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basically, Also to assist the world you would perhaps also 3-d scan lots of objects from chairs to hats to animals, free of licence obligations. Then build libraries of these things. So you could perhaps as a tangent from the whole immersive game theme, throw together cities quickly on your randomly (or not) generated biosphere to use as a stage for making homebrew film projects.

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Once you write the parameters for an area, like an giant underground elvish palace and garden complex. You should be able to randomly generate those zones, like we generate grass and rock now.


Well I went and bought it -

So far I've dug a bit of a hole.

And cut down a tree.

Then my computer locked up.


haha !!

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Guest JW Modestburns

Well I went and bought it -

So far I've dug a bit of a hole.

And cut down a tree.

Then my computer locked up.


I just got it a day ago.

I've built 2 mudhuts.

I couldn't find any coal the first night so it got really dark.

My computer has regular hickups when I play.

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You could harness the wind and water to make power. maybe even tie fish up to drive your canal barges forward. Ahh the possibilities.


Just burrowing would make me busy for quite a while.


I wonder when such a game will be produced. It's gonna happen, but I wonder... It might have to happen as a open code project that would enable lots of programmers working together for little or no money, because it sounds as too risky a project.


Minecraft will get there, I bet, when he has a whole team of programmers working for him. But I hope it keeps at least some of the blocky aesthetic. It's somehow very satisfying in its present state. It's retro-ness is part of its charm, like naive art. The creatures are both scary and cute. Watching square chunks of earth disappear in front of your shovel is somehow satisfying. I wouldn't want it to lose that delicate balance.

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You could harness the wind and water to make power. maybe even tie fish up to drive your canal barges forward. Ahh the possibilities.


Just burrowing would make me busy for quite a while.


I wonder when such a game will be produced. It's gonna happen, but I wonder... It might have to happen as a open code project that would enable lots of programmers working together for little or no money, because it sounds as too risky a project.


Minecraft will get there, I bet, when he has a whole team of programmers working for him. But I hope it keeps at least some of the blocky aesthetic. It's somehow very satisfying in its present state. It's retro-ness is part of its charm, like naive art. The creatures are both scary and cute. Watching square chunks of earth disappear in front of your shovel is somehow satisfying. I wouldn't want it to lose that delicate balance.


He's mentioned in a couple of interviews that the blockiness is one of the things that gives it its charm, I don't think he plans to change that.


Personally I'm glad about that.

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Yeah, that's good to hear. The one thing I'd like him to revise would be the clouds. Make them less blocky with more indistinct edges. I love it when a cloud flies through my house, but I don't like the fact that they are uniform blocks. They could still have an "aliased" edge like everything else in the world, just higher res.

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Yeah, that's good to hear. The one thing I'd like him to revise would be the clouds. Make them less blocky with more indistinct edges. I love it when a cloud flies through my house, but I don't like the fact that they are uniform blocks. They could still have an "aliased" edge like everything else in the world, just higher res.



It starts with minor alterations like clouds, from there it's an anti-aliased slippery slope, to full photo-realism my friend.




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