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Guest fiznuthian

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and you can make a small 2x2 pool to make a water-spawner, then remove the walls of it

i'm not sure that would work, since a block needs (at least) 2 source neighbor blocks to become a source.


for a rectangular pool, i think guess filling 2 adjacent sides with water sources should make it a completely source pool.

or even filling every second block of the 2 adjacent sides. i think that would be the minimum.


so that would mean: for a given m*n rectangular pool, a minimum of (m+n)/2 sources (water buckets) is needed.


now somebody test this!

tested, my method works. and if sides are odd number sized, you can round the division down. so for that 7*9 pool in the youtube vid, you only need 3 + 4 = 7 buckets.


another alternative is to fill the diagonal of the pool, but that obviously only works with square pools.

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goddamn i'm so lame. In anticipation of picking up the game again tonight (I went out a bit since my last post in here), I read this whole damn thread from start to finish, again. wtf? I'm almost afraid to turn it back on.

it's ok man,i'm here for you buddy <3 just do what you need to do and look for Diamonds.


/me metaphorically hands you a stone pick axe

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found 7 diamonds last night, in a huge mine where I was able to make a lava and water trail merge for literally as much obsidian as I would want to mine. Seriously, after 25 obsidian I was like, fuck it, imma do something else. But then I realized the time.... So today, perhaps I will experiment with this portal business, then create myself a proper mansion.

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goddamn i'm so lame. In anticipation of picking up the game again tonight (I went out a bit since my last post in here), I read this whole damn thread from start to finish, again. wtf? I'm almost afraid to turn it back on.


i did this recently, it's interesting charting our progress from building small mud huts to being digital crackheads.

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Totally. I'm still dickin around mostly, meaning I haven't done any MAJOR construction yet. I dug out a mine directly under my house hoping there would be a wonderland of lava and water underneath but I was sorely disappointed, so I built my 1st portal behind my crib, traversed the nether fer a bit, built another portal there, now I'm somewhere new in the "overworld". I can't believe I haven't accidentally killed myself (knock on wood) in lava fucking with making obsidian.


Meanwhile, I can think of about 100 other things I probably SHOULD be doing today....

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i just found a fuckin HUGE system of caves just under my living room. HUGE.


Yeah i found a huge cave system near my room too. Was 3 blocks away from my mining base. Found loads of iron,redstone,7 diamonds, loads of lava and mosters. Still mining stuff from there. It seems to be no end for it.

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Guest Spittal

Everyone should invest in one of these








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i don't think we should do multiplayer until the bugs with monsters/health have been fixed. also, the lag can be really bad as it manifests as blocks that you have just cleared reappearing. i'm sure notch will fix it sometime in the future.

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Guest Dreddy Schwager

i don't think we should do multiplayer until the bugs with monsters/health have been fixed. also, the lag can be really bad as it manifests as blocks that you have just cleared reappearing. i'm sure notch will fix it sometime in the future.


Looks like it should be fixed sometime next week.

Status of SMP Health

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i don't think we should do multiplayer until the bugs with monsters/health have been fixed. also, the lag can be really bad as it manifests as blocks that you have just cleared reappearing. i'm sure notch will fix it sometime in the future.


Looks like it should be fixed sometime next week.

Status of SMP Health


oooh, i thought blocks reappearing was lag, not just a bug. i guess that's good?


i'm excited that notch is making progress.

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Well I finally got a bit into this game. Made my first house starting out with wood, then cobble stone then stone then expanding it. Crafted my first few items starting out with wood, then cobblestone then iron... so I've done my bit of crafting, building, protecting and all I can say now is... I'm bored.


Game is seriously lacking. Like, I don't have motivation to do shit in life, I'm not going to find motivation to build crap in game.


Just my 2 cents. I went in and out of the game over the course of 6 hours. After those 6 hours I'm finding it really hard to strum up the will power to continue playing.

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Well I finally got a bit into this game. Made my first house starting out with wood, then cobble stone then stone then expanding it. Crafted my first few items starting out with wood, then cobblestone then iron... so I've done my bit of crafting, building, protecting and all I can say now is... I'm bored.


Game is seriously lacking. Like, I don't have motivation to do shit in life, I'm not going to find motivation to build crap in game.


Just my 2 cents. I went in and out of the game over the course of 6 hours. After those 6 hours I'm finding it really hard to strum up the will power to continue playing.


Dig down.

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I just want everyone to know I've successfully kicked minecraft. I had to attend Game-Connection in Lyon and did not play for six full days. The .exe is lurking in its folder but for now, I've been able to resist its siren song...terribly fucking addicting game...

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Well I finally got a bit into this game. Made my first house starting out with wood, then cobble stone then stone then expanding it. Crafted my first few items starting out with wood, then cobblestone then iron... so I've done my bit of crafting, building, protecting and all I can say now is... I'm bored.


Game is seriously lacking. Like, I don't have motivation to do shit in life, I'm not going to find motivation to build crap in game.


Just my 2 cents. I went in and out of the game over the course of 6 hours. After those 6 hours I'm finding it really hard to strum up the will power to continue playing.


Dig down.

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