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A strange thing happened to me this morning


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I was just walking in the street to go back home. This wasn't a pleasant street to walk in : a lot of cars drive there and it's quite noisy. Anyway, I was in a good mood as the day was quite sunny.


Then I saw a pigeon on the pavement, a few meters further. I called him just like I'll do with a cat (I knew that would be completely pointless but as I said, I was in a good mood and I like animals). The fact I called it didn't change anything but makes a strange sense/non-sense in the whole story.


When I got really close to the pigeon, he got scared (pigeons are always scared when you get too close) and jumped on the road. I heard a car coming, turned my head and saw it going right on the pigeon. Then the car got over the pigeon and I heard a noise (you know, the noise of a pigeon hitting a car), but the pigeon didn't touched the wheels, it was just placed at the middle of the car. So I saw it roll under the car and thought "all right, maybe it's ok and will have time to leave the road before the next car arrive".


After the car was gone, the pigeon continue to roll a second and ended up on its two feet. But I just saw the bloody neck : the head was gone. Another car got over and the not-pigeon-anymore thing rolled once again.


Then I took my way back and then felt really sorry for this pigeon. Maybe if I walked a little bit more on the left, the pigeon wouldn't have jump on the road but would have bypass me by the other side. Also the fact I called it makes the story sound kind of ironic.


The End

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I was just walking in the street to go back home. This wasn't a pleasant street to walk in : a lot of cars drive there and it's quite noisy. Anyway, I was in a good mood as the day was quite sunny.


Then I saw a beur on the pavement, a few meters further. I called him just like I'll do with a cat (I knew that would be completely pointless but as I said, I was in a good mood and I like animals). The fact I called it didn't change anything but makes a strange sense/non-sense in the whole story.


When I got really close to the beur, he got scared (beurs are always scared when you get too close) and jumped on the road. I heard a car coming, turned my head and saw it going right on the pigeon. Then the car got over the beur and I heard a noise (you know, the noise of an arab hitting a car), but the beur didn't touched the wheels, it was just placed at the middle of the car. So I saw it roll under the car and thought "all right, maybe it's ok and will have time to leave the road before the next car arrive".


After the car was gone, the beur continue to roll a second and ended up on its two feet. But I just saw the bloody neck : the head was gone. Another car got over and the not-beur-anymore thing rolled once again.


Then I took my way back and then felt really sorry for this beur. Maybe if I walked a little bit more on the left, the beur wouldn't have jump on the road but would have bypass me by the other side. Also the fact I called it makes the story sound kind of ironic.


The End


What is it with watmm and thinly disguised racist analogies? Who the fuck are you, Michel Houellebecq? I know integration has been a failed policy for La Republique, but that doesn't justify sharing this sick fantasy nonesense with us.

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lol brilliant.

THis thread is going to deliver, i can feel it. Sorry for this shitty contribution

caca, as well as you poo, i love you, i really love you guys.

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Guest Billov

I was walking down a similarly busy street with a group of friends, just about to head out for drinks... when we all noticed a pigeon as he hopped off the pavement and onto the side of the road. Car tire rolled right over him. A loud *crunch* and *POP* and a poof of feathers. It was just as comical as it was disturbing... no blood, just a poof of feathers and a completely flattened bird.

The sound he made was amazing though, sounded like a crisp packet being crushed and exploding :cisfor:


needless to say we drank to his poor grey soul

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I was just walking in the street to go back home. This wasn't a pleasant street to walk in : a lot of cars drive there and it's quite noisy. Anyway, I was in a good mood as the day was quite sunny.


Then I saw a pigeon on the pavement, a few meters further. I called him just like I'll do with a cat (I knew that would be completely pointless but as I said, I was in a good mood and I like animals). The fact I called it didn't change anything but makes a strange sense/non-sense in the whole story.


When I got really close to the pigeon, he got scared (pigeons are always scared when you get too close) and jumped on the road. I heard a car coming, turned my head and saw it going right on the pigeon. Then the car got over the pigeon and I heard a noise (you know, the noise of a pigeon hitting a car), but the pigeon didn't touched the wheels, it was just placed at the middle of the car. So I saw it roll under the car and thought "all right, maybe it's ok and will have time to leave the road before the next car arrive".


After the car was gone, the pigeon continue to roll a second and ended up on its two feet. But I just saw the bloody neck : the head was gone. Another car got over and the not-pigeon-anymore thing rolled once again.


Then I took my way back and then felt really sorry for this pigeon. Maybe if I walked a little bit more on the left, the pigeon wouldn't have jump on the road but would have bypass me by the other side. Also the fact I called it makes the story sound kind of ironic.


The End






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Guest Coalbucket PI

I was at didcot parkway train station once and they made an announcement that the next train wasn't stopping at the station so stand clear. looked down the tracks to see this exciting fast train. saw pidgeons on the lines. they eventually tried to fly off as the fast train got very close. I just saw one of them rocket straight upwards, at first I thought DAAAAAMN that pidgeon is faaaaaaaast; then I realised it had just been hit by the front of the train, it fell and bounced on the roof of the train a few times. I didn't really feel any emotions related to the experience, at least none of the big ones.

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I guess I should tell a pigeon story.


I was driving around one day in Chicago. I was waiting at a stop light at Ashland & Division, and this big 18 wheeler was making a right hand turn. There was a huge gathering of pigeons sitting in the right lane tearing apart a bag of fast food... I'll make a diagram.


So there I was sitting, watching this huge swarm of pigeons feasting. The truck makes a right turn, and as trucks do when they turn right, the whole cab sort of pivoted on the axis of the back right wheels. The cab kept coming over until it was above the pigeons and then continued forward directly over the swarm of pigeons. It squashed maybe 20-30 pigeons in that instance and left nothing but a mound of blood, feathers, and half-flapping wings.

Here's is the afterward diagram:






Anyway, at least I didn't kill them.

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